5: Car Sick

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        You knew this was going to happen. As you'd been waiting for the police to arrive scenarios had played out in your mind, but nonetheless rage filled your being as the man before you, Officer Brooks, spoke down to you.

"And you're sure you didn't leave the window open?" The balding older man asked yet again, his brows furrowed in disbelief.

"Yes." You answered with balled fists. "I never leave it open. Someone broke in."

The man eyed you skeptically. "And you said you saw this man when you woke up, correct?" Your face contorted into a grimace as you gave a short nod. You knew where he was heading with this.

"Think this coulda just been a dream then?" Officer Brooks asked, crossing his arms and glancing over to Allen who had decided to stick around.

Gritting your teeth, you hissed out, "No. I know what I saw."

"Look, we get a lot of these. Nightmares can be very vivid-"

"I know what I saw!" You couldn't help but raise your voice. It wasn't a dream, you weren't crazy and you weren't about to let this fucker tell you otherwise.

"Watch your tone, kid." He spat and stared down at you with a glare. "Frankly, we can't do anything with what you've told us. A dark figure that appeared in your room at night and then leaped out the window ain't much of a description." He slid his notepad back into his pocket. "If you see anything else, feel free to call, but I think it's time to call it a night."

"I think he's going to kill me!" You yelled out in a hurry and moved to stop him.

Officer Brooks huffed. "And why's that?"

"I..." You hesitated and glanced at Allen. You didn't want him to know about your past, but you didn't have much of a choice. "I... I used to be in a cult... and an ex-member from it told me someone is after us."

"Is that so?" His head tilted as he squinted at you. You could see the wheels turning in his head, yet it clearly wasn't helping your case.

"Yes. He also said that three were already killed."

"And what are their names?"

You paused, your nails digging into your palms. "I... I don't know. He didn't tell me."

"Yeah, alright. Goodnight kid, I'd suggest you stop readin' all them scary stories."

"I'm not joking!" You shouted, but the cop brushed you off and left.

With a slam of the door, you and Allen were left alone. Your eyes were wide, and you were shaking as you stood staring at the door. This time, instead of fear you shook with anger. Those egocentric bastards.

"What a fucking idiot." Allen broke the tense silence, walking over and patting you on the back. "I believe ya, if it makes a difference."

Exhaling, you nodded a bit. "Thanks." You looked up at him nervously. You expected him to pry into the cult story, but as he looked at you with understanding you were relieved he wasn't.

"Since the cops ain't gonna help, just holler if you need anything." Allen offered a smile as he spoke.

"Of course." You swallowed back your nerves. "Thanks again, for everything."

"Anytime, now both of us should probably try to catch some shut-eye. See ya around, Y/N." With a final pat, he headed for the door.

You muttered a "night" in return as you watched him leave, shutting the broken door behind him. Only then, as you watched the door try to close only to end in a crack, did you realize you'd have to get it fixed. While you were glad Allen was brave enough to risk his life to save you and thus blast open your door, now you had a door that no longer closed. You felt even more unsafe. Now two entrances were unreliable. Two entrances your stalker could easily get in through.

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