Chapter 13 - "Buisness" Trip

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Kyle's pov:

We drove for a good half an hour into the city. Kenny was playing some 80's coke-head music that was making everything seem faster than it was. Speaking of coke, I noticed Craig had been snorting some shit off a coke spoon and then jamming out to the music. He would bring the spoon to Kenny's nose and wait for him to snort, then Kenny would scream "woohoo" like some npc and start driving faster. I had no idea where we were going, and my anxiety would've probably been through the roof if it wasn't for me being so fucking drunk off the vodka I drank. I was actually having fun. Me and Stan were singing along dancing in our seats, and everyone was just having a good time. Craig passed the tiny bag and little spoon to Stan, "Want some?" he said screaming over the music. Stan smiled and looked at the bag. My heart started racing a bit, no way Stan was about to actually try it. I yelled in his ear just enough so that no one would hear me but him, "Bro thats way to risky, what if it's laced.", I probably sound like a pussy but i'd rather be one then risk my best friends life. "Dude, look at Craig and Kenny, they're just fine, I wont I promise.", he smiled at me and steadily put the powder onto the spoon and put it up to his nose. "Oh shit, fuck!" he said. My heart dropped to my ass, I don't know what overdosing looks like but if someone screams fuck after taking something it can't be too good. I prepared for Stan to maybe drop dead or something, but he didn't, his eyes just opened really wide and he got a big smile across his face. "FUCK YOU GOTTA TRY THIS KY.", yea he was definitely gone, he hadn't called me Ky since middle school, it kinda felt nice to hear it from him again, I never really liked when anyone but him called me it. "I'm okay dude." I said to him lowkey scared of it. "COME ON BRO ITS FINE I PROMISE, JUST TRY A LITTLE ITS AMAZING.", he said putting his head on my shoulder. Fuck.. whatever. I took a bit oit of the bag and snorted it fast. It burned so bad I had to gasp for air. Just then, I started feeling 100x higher than I ever had. It was almost overwhelming, but then it was pure adreaniline. I couldn't help but get the same big smile Stan had on his face, as Craig laughed at the two of us high out of our minds. We continued racing down the highway at what felt like 1000mph. I felt so amazing, even tho I could feel my muscles twitching, I was so distracted by every other feeling. I felt stan grab me and start singing into my chest, and I grabbed him back and held him singing along too. After a few minutes, what seemed like seconds, we finally pulled up to a dark house on a desolate country road. I randomly got really paranoid and felt like I was shaking. I guess Stan felt it because he grabbed my hand and held it, which weirdly calmed down the shaking. "Alright dudes, we just needa go in there real quick and handle some business." Kenny said, "Marsh, take this and come with us." Kenny threw a gun into Stan's lap, and he quickly let go of my hand and examined it with a smile. "What about me, do you want me to just stay here or" I said hoping I wouldn't have to sit in the car alone. Kenny looked at Craig and they both looked back at me. "You probably shouldn't, you look to well off if you know what I mean, they'll probably think you're a fed." Craig said halfway smiling at me. A fed? There's no way I look that loser-ish. "Oh.. alright." I said quietly, i'm so embarrassed right now. It's not my fault I can never seem to find a way to look cool. I wasn't allowed to get piercings, I couldn't grow facial hair for the love of god, and I barely had any body hair either. Wendy always said girls like that more, but I don't care, I always felt like I wasn't manly enough, and this just made it worse. I realized they were probably right though, I thought of myself compared to them snd realized they all looked way older than their age, i'd probably look like some kind of informant next to them. "Can I stay with him?", no way, Stan was actually going to be a good friend. "I don't want him here by himself, i'm sorry." he said looking at both of them hoping for approval. "Yea fuck it. But if we're in there for more than 30 minutes start the car and be ready to take off, alright?" Kenny said getting all his stuff ready. I don't even want to know what that entails. Stan nodded and they jumped out the car and walked to the door, where they were soon let it by a figure I didn't see. The figure examined the surroundings before closing the door behind them. God, please don't let them die.

Me and stan sat in the back seat for a good 15 minutes just vibing. He had put on of Kenny's cd's in the stereo so we wouldn't sit in silence. I layed on his shoulder, my head spinning from all the shit we had just done. Stan had his hands in my hair, tapping his fingers along to the song. "Your hair is soooo pretty" Stan said slurring and twirling my curls, he's sounds so dumb when he's drunk. "I think its one of my f-favorite thing about you" he said as he stumbled over his words. "Wow thanks, not my amazing personality or anything, my hair" I said teasing him. "Oh my god no i'm so sorry Kyle I didn't mean it like thattt." he said tearing up, I forgot Stan is an emotional drunk. "I l-love everything about you.", he said rubbing his thumb on my cheek, i felt something wet hit my face. "Are you crying?" I said halfway laughing. "N-no" he said making a pouty face, he's such a fucking loser I swear. I sat up and wiped his tear, "It's okay bro calm down, I know you didn't mean it." I don't know why but I got the urge to kiss him on the cheek like he did to me earlier, so I did. He stared at me and wiped his tears, then moved my bangs to the side and kissed my forehead. We sat in silence for a bit staring at each other, I don't know if it was the drugs but I started feeling like the butterflies in my stomach were on crack. Just then, one of our old favorite songs came on, Everlong from the Foo Fighters. It was one of Stan's favorite bands back in the day, and he turned me onto them. We smiled at each other as the guitar came in, like all the memories we had together came back for both of us at once. We started singing and holding onto each other, I pretended to be on drums and he pretended to be singing in front of a crowd and on guitar too. It was moments like these that I wish could really last forever. Just me and Stan being in the moment with each other, being ourselves, not having to pretend to be someone else for a moment, I love it so much, I love him so much. "I love you." "I love you too." What? I said that out loud. Fuck dude. The song entered the quiet part and I just stared at him. I couldn't tell him I didn't mean to say that, it would be kind of a dick move. We just stared at each other, examining each others face, I saw him looking at my lips then back up at my eyes in slow motion. I guess I didn't notice but we both were slowly leaning into each other. I felt that feeling again I had thought about so much the last time, feeling as if my lips were melting into his, except this time, I felt like my whole body was. I was on top of him, sitting on his lap just like Wendy did. For a second, I almost pictured myself as her, thinking how lucky she was to be able to get to have so many moments just like this with Stan. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I willingly doing this again. The first time it was practice, but now I literally have no excuse. Yet, everything in my brain telling me to stop was overruled by all the substances I had taken. Yeah, thats what it was, just the alcohol, nothing weird, its just bound to happen. You can kiss your friends and not have it be gay when you're off of shit, its just bound to happen, girls do it all the time. It just felt different with Stan. I could kiss a million girls and it'd all feel the same. With him, it felt like we were meant for each others lips. I'm so fucking corny. I don't even know why I'm thinking like this, i'll forget it in the morning. He'll forget it in the morning. We'll pretend like nothing happened like again. Nothing but best frien- (Wendy 🖕 is calling..). Oh shit.

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