Chapter 24 - Me Too.

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Tw: Alcohol Abuse, Mentions of Sexual Situations, Violence

Kyles Pov:

It had been 5 days since I saw Stan, but all the emotions I probably would've felt were drowned out by Wendy and her body. I spent the whole weekend with her, since her parents were indeed out on vacation, and every single day ended with us fucking until we couldn't anymore. It was pretty fun, I had never done this in my life and it got addicting pretty quick. To be honest, I knew deep down I really didn't think I could spend the rest of my life with her, but it was fun pretending like that was the plan. Deep down, I knew she was probably thinking the same, so we had our fun while we could. On Sunday I decided I'd stay over one more night, just incase her parents who were supposed to get back on Wednesday decided to come home early, and i'd just drive her to school Monday. We decided to have our last night go out with a bang, so at around 8 pm we headed to the corner store that didn't I.D. for some booze. We pulled up and got out, joining our hands together and laughing about some memories from over the weekend, when I nearly lost my breath at what I saw. There he was, the half blonde haired loser, drunk as fuck with Kenny and Craig. They were smashing their empty beer cans all over the parking lot as a store clerk yelled at them threatening to call the cops. Me and Wendy slowly walked up both surprised what we were seeing, then Stan saw us too, and got quiet really quick. The store clerk marched into the store quickly, and they stood still. "Whats up guys." Kenny said drunkenly waving to us. I felt Wendy let go of my hand and run to Stan, wrapping her arms around him. He stood there for a second, eventually putting his hand without any beer in it around her lightly, "Hey Wendy.." he said quietly. "I missed you so much." she said into his chest. I felt so awkward watching it play out, as Craig and Kenny stared at Stan staring at me, I tried to avoid eye contact with him. Once Wendy let go, he started walking up to me. "Whats wrong? You're gonna pretend like I don't exist?", he said slurring his words before pulling me into a tight, sort of aggressive hug. I hugged him while he patted my back roughly. "What are you doing..?" I said looking around at the mess they made, slightly disappointed at how he was acting like he had no sense. "Oh you know (hiccup) just hanging out. Normal shit (hiccup)." He said as he stumbled off of me. I examined him, he had so many bruises on him, and his eye bags looked like he hadn't slept for days. "Stan.. are you back to drinking..?" I whispered to him trying not to make a scene. "Dude (hiccup) I never stopped.." He said trying to make it seem like he didn't understand, but it made me mad knowing he did. "No bro, DRINKING drinking." I said in a more stern tone to tell him to stop playing games. He looked down at the ground for a bit, and before he could get a word out, there were police sirens in the distance. "Fuck bro, we gotta go. I can't get in trouble again." Kenny said getting nervous. "You coming Marsh?" Craig called out to him, they had no car, I guess they were on foot. "Come on Wendy we need to go." I said as she ran over to me. Stan started speed walking until Wendy grabbed his arm. "Please come with us Stan." she said in a low tone. He looked as us, then back at Kenny and Craig who had their arms up telling him to hurry. "I have to go." Stan said pulling himself from her grip, and running off into some field with the other guys. I shook my head as me and Wendy ran off to the truck and got out of there. The rest of the car ride home was quiet.

Stan's Pov:

As we ran through the fields back to Kenny's house, my drunk mind had nothing but anger filling it. Why the fuck were they holding hands like some type of couple, when a few days ago they hated each others guts. It pissed me off so much I could've punched either one of them right there. But I didn't, I just chugged another and smashed it on the ground as we ran. We ran until we made our way back to Kenny's house, catching our breath as we sat on the porch. "I guess we know why he wasn't home." Craig said, making Kenny punch him in the stomach. I didn't say anything, I just sat there, obsessing over the thought of the both of them.. being a couple.. doing couple things. I felt my nails digging into my legs, right over where some old scars were. I knew I couldn't take out my pain on myself in front of them, so I got myself up and looked for a target. Craig's house was old money, so it was surrounded by a lot of trees. I walked over to one and started punching. Punching more and more as the thoughts of Wendy, and Kyle, and my dad flooded my head. "Dude what are you doing?" Kenny said as I heard him running up behind me, but I couldn't stop. My fists started bleeding as I breathed through my teeth and the tears started pouring. I felt him pull me back by my shirt collar, and he pulled me into a hug. I cried into his shirt as Craig rubbed my back pitifully. Being drunk brings out the worst in me, but I felt like I needed to get even more drunk. Look at me. Already back to my old ways. Over a whore who ruins my life with everything she does, and a guy who I thought was my best friend dating my fucking toxic ex. And just when I thought life was getting better.

Kyles Pov:

Back at Wendy's house the silence was deafening. I couldn't take it anymore, I was too bothered by the whole situation, and ended up saying something I probably shouldn't have out of pure jealousy. "Why did you hug him like you were still in love." I said, keeping my eyes on the TV as I saw her look at me with a shocked pissed off expression from my peripheral vision. "What the fuck? What are you talking about." "Don't fucking play dumb Wendy, I saw AND heard you. With your little 'I missed you' and shit. You're not fooling me dude." "Stop being a fucking asshole Kyle. You guys are all assholes." She said getting up and moving from under my arm, and going to grab some trash from her nightstand. "Notice how you aren't saying no." I said rolling my eyes petty-ly. "Im sure not.", she said back, Jesus christ she can be a bitch. It pissed me so much I got up too following her as she went down her stairs. "So why the fuck are you with me! What the fuck is the point if you're just gonna love him." I said selfishly, knowing I had the same exact intentions. "Because its nice to have someone to hold me over." she said looking back at me with a mean smile on her face, before continuing to walk to the trash. "You're a fucking slut." I said impulsively.. knowing I didn't mean it. She stopped dead in her tracks. "What the fuck did you call me.", she said quietly while getting up in my face. "I called you a fucking dirty slut." I said looking back at her. This was a disaster waiting to happen; two people who weren't scared to fight, about to fight. She stared at me before smacking the shit out of me, with led to me shoving her and getting shoved back. We began slapping the fuck out of each other, I tried my hardest not to start punching, but eventually she did first. She punched my body in my chest and stomach as I shoved her into her wall, causing a hole. "You stupid motherfucker!" She said giving me a good punch in my face which made me stumble into her couch and fall. She started slapping my head around until I pulled her down with me by her hair and slammed her into the ground. She literally growled at me and scratched me across my cheek, which stung like a bitch, I touched my cheek and felt blood dripping from the marks. "Ow you fucking bitch what the fuck?" I said while kicking her body away from me. She jumped right back up and pushed me onto the floor, starting to make out with me. I pushed her off forcefully disgusted with how she was acting, "You're fucking crazy and disgusting. Get the fuck away from me. dude" She smiled evilly at me from the floor as I went to get my stuff. When I came back down the stairs she was still on the floor staring at me walking down the stairs. "Oh and by the way, I never thought for a second that I loved you. Every time we fucked, I imagined you were Stan." she said trying to get  the last word in. I stopped my walking, laughing a bit as I looked back at her on the ground, I guess we really are the same. A big smile plastered across my face, wondering if I should expose myself like this, right now. Fuck it.

"Me too."

I saw her face drop immediately, and I felt myself smirk. "Surprise bitch." I said, ripping the matching necklace me and her had from my neck and throwing it at her face, she knew now, and it felt so good. As I slammed the door behind me, I heard her start screaming loudly, a blood curdling scream like she was being murdered. The part of me that still had feelings for her contemplated going back in there and lying that I meant none of it, but the heartless part never stopped walking to my truck. I threw my things in and sped off, not even bothering to turn on any music.

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