✤ Memories we made together.

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[ (A/N) : So..

Me, checking my booking to see any errors : Okay.

Also me, realizing that I have 3.37k+ and 140 votes :

Intense shock. ]

★ ───────────────────────────────── ★

It's not all that wrong for you to have an enjoyment of life. It's not wrong to have happiness in life. It's not wrong to make people find their own enjoyment and happiness, as long as it was harmless to people.

Not everything is positive, and so not everything is negative. Whatever people have gone through, it is not their fault for having a feeling like positive or negative is everything. Their mindset starts when things change, for the better or for the worst.

Life is full of surprises, so don't forget to use your time to find out the surprises. Don't be afraid if it's bad or good, just find your way grasping into it, and you'll get the hang of it. Do try to take your time, and if it has to be immediate, try to wrap your mind and keep calm. Panicking is not worth the time.

And while we're still in the topic of life,

Why don't we try to observe things around us and see how life unwraps the truth.

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The studio is still in shock, but it subsides after a few hours of resting. It's a question of why are they're taking such a long time to get them to react again, but they didn't complain. They're quite enjoying the time they're getting now.

It's no surprise that there's fights here and there, but good thing there's a neutral side that keeps them from doing further damage. Everything's going alright for the most part.

Hey, why don't we try to explore around the room for some..

Spice ?
Y'know, to make your hunger of fluff fueled.




"Boboiboy, are you there, my grandson ?" the voice of his grandpa cuts his (negative) thoughts, bringing him back to reality before facing his lovely grandpa.

"Is something wrong, Tok ?" ask him while tilting his head.

His grandpa chuckles before shaking his head, earning a more confused and curious facial expression from his grandson.

He sighs before taking his hat and ruffling the boy's hair, making him whine a little before letting his grandpa do his things before his grandpa starts talking again.

"It's nothing. Tok just wants to check on you. The last theory scares you deeply, right ?" Boboiboy startled and started shaking before his grandpa held his hand, calming him for a bit before he sighs.

He looked away, "Kind of. It's scary that I was actually dead, but I don't really believe it that much now. I even got a mini letter from the Host to assure me that it was all just a theory that has too many holes. It won't be a reality, so that makes me a bit more calm. "

Tok Aba nodded, and before he ask about something, Boboiboy gets it already with the face of his grandpa makes,

"Yes, they did say sorry for that. " Tok Aba chuckles. Never in his life before his wife sees him perfectly like an open book.

The memories of Umi makes him feel down. Why did Umi go too fast ? If only he can say one last goodbye before he can move on, then he would wish to do so.

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