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How to write (and sell) your novel? Here's a quick, step-by-step guide to get you on the right track.  

Step 1) Realize that publishing is a tough business, and I'm not joking. There are millions of books out there; countless more are published every year and nearly every day.The odds of your novel becoming a bestseller aren't much better than winning the lottery.

Step 2) Accept Step 1 and decide that you're crazy enough to go for it anyway. After all, some people have made it, so why not you? Odds are, if you're still here, you will write your novel because you have to; to most writers, writing is as essential as eating or breathing.  

Step 3) Find your inner voice. Find the story genre that inspires you. Find the characters you believe in. Find the book you must share with the world.

 Step 4) Read more about writing and study more to get an idea.

Step 5) Find a good place to write.

Step 6) when your novel is written, revise it. Fix the writing, rethink characters, cut out boring scenes, write new ones, rewrite where necessary. I repeat this step several times. For me, Step 6 is much more work than Step 5. For an hour I spend writing, I can spend a day revising.

Step 7) Publish your novel. Some writers still submit their work to traditional publishers; most now upload their novels directly to the ebook stores.

Step 8) Start writing your second book!

Good luck!


These steps are not mine and are simply retrieved from a trusted site and I just simply put into my own words so I don't present it as copyright :)

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