It was then that I saw her as I turned around the corner in the lavish corridors of my master Lord Balor's summer house. Lucielle my masters daughter born of but thirteen summers hanging over the balcony watching the the pure white peacocks strut through the maze of gardens that scattered across the grounds which to the unlearned eyes looked like a mess of random clusters of exotic growths from distant far away lands. As I began to walk forward uncertainly I heard her call my name barely audible but more sighed than spoken. "Micheal come here a moment". "Mistress I cannot your father Lord Balor beckons me I must answer in haste you know how quick he is to lose his temper on those he thinks tardy". "To hell with the old crow" Lucielle said with a flick of her hair. "Come here while and stand by me my dear old friend and just gaze upon the beauty below for a moment. Come and reflect upon the wild joyful past we shared in our youth". "Mistress the only beauty I see is the one whom is here in fro fro front of of mmmmeee" I stuttered out face flushing scarlet as Lucielle's hand encircled mine as a lover might grasp at her chosen silent as if in perfect loving harmony.