05| Exciting Race

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Hyunjin showed up at Changbin's apartment. It was Friday night. The night that Changbin promised his best friend he'd attend a race with him. He was dressed in a simple black t-shirt, jeans, and Converse. Hyunjin however was showing off his great fashion sense with a silk blue top, skinny jeans, and a pair of Italian polished boots. He had half of his hair tied back in a small ponytail and a choker around his neck.

"How do I look?" Hyunjin grinned.

"I have no words," Changbin answered.

"Good, that's what I was going for."

"Then you nailed it."

Hyunjin shot forward and grabbed Changbin by his wrist. Barely giving him enough time to shut the door behind him and hear the automatic click of the lock. Hyunjin seemed pretty fucking excited about this thing. Changbin was still trying to wrap his head around it. Understand how the race worked and why a whole Seoul city road was getting closed off for it.

"Which downtown Seoul road is it?" Changbin asked.

He climbed into the driver's side of his Lamborghini as Hyunjin slipped into the passenger side and got comfortable.

"I'll put it into the GPS," Hyunjin said as he clicked on his seatbelt.

Changbin started up the engine and pulled out of his apartment's underground garage.

When they arrived, it was pretty obvious this was the place. The whole road as well as the connecting streets were cordoned off. The area was also swarming with people. Both onlookers and the racing crew. As soon as Hyunjin caught sight of it, a grin widened his face and he clapped his hands excitedly.

"Hyung, don't you think this is going to be fun to watch?"

Changbin cut the engine with a glance around.

"I don't know... it looks interesting," Changbin muttered as he pushed his door open.

Hyunjin followed.

They could immediately hear the sound of revving engines. Smell the scent of tires burning into the gravel and the loud noises of chatter. It seemed like whatever was happening was a big deal. Changbin had never been to any kind of race before let alone a race like this one. He didn't know what to expect and honestly was just following Hyunjin's lead.

Hyunjin looked like he did this on a regular basis, which made Changbin curious about his best friend. He knew pretty much everything there was to know about Hyunjin. And Hyunjin was a really bad secret keeper. Because whatever the guy was thinking automatically came out of his mouth whether he wanted it to or not. But Changbin would never have guessed that Hyunjin was into stuff like this since he was scared of his own shadow most of the time.

"Have you been to a race like this before?" Changbin asked, raising his voice over the noise.

Hyunjin glanced over his shoulder. He smirked slightly at his best friend.

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