the start

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I was sitting in class bord out of my mind it was worse because it was the last day of school
I'm inpatient person I stared at the clock 'one more minute' I repeat over and over then the bell rang I got all my stuff as everyone was leaving I walked to Stanley's desk as he was getting all his stuff he got up as I stood on a chair he turned his back to me so I could get on he walked into the hallway with me on his back

I spotted the group aka the losers we we're part of the losers club I didn't think the name was that bad we we're the losers because we got bullied by many people it sucked but it was us so I don't really care.we, well he walked to the group they were talking about something disgusting "hey guys" eddie said we walked for a bit until we got outside by the trash cans

We all dumped our bags out I mean who needs school work "hey what u guys wanna do tomorrow" eddie asked and Richie Answered with "start my training" I gave him a look "what training" "street fighter" eddie and Richie fight all the time so of course eddie had to start something we started to walk away but Henry had to show up

His friends pushed Richie and stanley together making them fall to the ground and his friend I think Patrick was his name burped in eddies ear making him gag they pushed me and bill out of the way but bills dumb ass had to talk "s-s-suck b-bowers!" Eddie whispered "shut up bill" henry Patrick fat fuck and dude from harry Potter looked at us he gave us a dirty look "say something b-b-b-billy? You got a free pass because of your brother free rides over" before he could do anything he seen his dad he licked
His hand and walked away

We started to walk away we got our bike and started to ride home me and eddie put our bikes away and walked to our rooms I went and sat on my bed and listened to my Taylor Swift albums and started to listen before eddie came in my room "yn turn that off the boys are her cmon" "ok wait it's my favorite part" "hurry up" I listened to the song and then got my backpack and ran out
And seen eddie bill and Richie eddie was saying something about our moms fav snack

"Hey guys" I said as I sat down at the table "where is stanley" Riche was looking through our Cupboards "he's waiting by the bikes"
Out of no where Richie said "birth control pills yn has Stan been over here" Richie was so annoying
"no he hasn't but ur dad has" gotta say something to make shut up they finished getting food and stuff and we walked to the

Mom stopped us "peanut butter? Jelly!? where are u two going" those were my and eddies nicknames from our mom I was jelly he's peanut butter "j-just my b-back yard ms. K I g-go a n-n-n-n-new.... " before anyone could say anything Richie said "a new Croquet set Jesus spit it out b-b-bill" she looked at us "ok don't go rolling around in grass Especially if it's just been cut and yn dear please don't get your dress dirty ok it's pretty I don't want it to be dirty ok" she said about my light green blue she was
right it was very pretty I said "yes mommy I promise" we went to learn but she stopped us again "yn eddie you
forgetting something I looked at eddie Embarrassed we walked to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek as Richie
laughed I walked away and eddie pushed then out the door "sorry mommy" I said "sorry about them bye

I walked outside to see everyone on their bikes wait ing for me I ran and got on mine as we rode to the sewers
Once we got there bill walked inside and Richie followed while me eddie and stanley stayed outside and this is why mom liked stanley he was respectful kind and helpful eddie and Richie started to fight about grey water I just looked at Stan as he watched them he was cute his curly hair how he would actually think
People are so mean to him for no reason I hated that he was good at keeping secrets tho he
Knows all of mine
He is a dream I honestly have had a crush on him since October he looked at me I turned away fast I could feel my face getting warm from me blushing he was a dream I swear but then we seen a kid fall out into a river that was behind us very shallow not deep enough to be a river he got on the back of bills bike
We got to the store we made Richie stay outside we got inside then I looked at the boys and said "i gotta go get something"I walked around to the 'lady isal' then saw Beverly in the 'lady isal' she was looking for tampons I could tell "I use these" I grabbed them and handed them to her she said "thanks yn" I got a pack as well had to get what I needed we started to talk me and Beverly were friends but she never hung with the other losers

we were walking to the check out as stanley bill and eddie walked up to us Beverly hid the box and looked surprised I didn't "yn you have any money we can use we anky got five bucks" eddie said "how much is it all" bill added it up "28.57" I looked at him "with tax?" He nodded I got my wallet me and eddie went to our grandparents house and helped them clean house they gave us money I had about 120 but eddie sent it on random supper hero stuff like spider man and things like that "ya I can by it with my stuff"

then stanley noticed and turned red I looked at him and I had to tease him a little "what Stan never new what a period was or never saw tampons" he started to speak "n-no I know what it is ok I'm not an idiot" eddie looked at me "you know mom has the other things " " I hate pads ew they feel gross blood collects in it and it
feels weird "wait you can feel it? " eddie said "ya imagine feeling something liquid come from your private and then
Fill it sit" I said trying to be a mean sister Beverly looked at me with a wtf look Stan and bill got so red "y-yn let's hurry i-i think
Your scaring your friend" he said speaking of Beverly "oh Bev this is eddie my brother bill you met him and s-s-tanley" Bev smirked stanley was weirded out "yn why did u stutter with my name" he looked worrit Bev had to say "she was just embarrassed because of what I've heard about u good tho very good" shit shit shit I told her about my crush on him but i did catch her looking at bill I knew she liked him ofc so I did what any normal person would do "hey were going to the quarry tomorrow come" she nodded

I then walked up with the boys to pay mr. Keith gave me weird vibes he was pervert I knew it "hello yn"
"Hi" "what are u doing today" "helping my boyfriends brother" he gave me a look "oh and it's cash today my money not moms" he scanned everything up "so who is this boyfriend of yours I paused for a second then i heard stanley say " m-me" he gave him a glare and finished "ok it's going to be 34.78" i gave him my money and left

While eddie was fixing Ben Beverly came over and started asking questions then said "so yn I never new this was I thing why didn't you tell me" she pointed at me and stanley "oh we aren't" I said Stan went red "I couldn't have left her stuck like that he was being weird" Beverly was side eyeing me and went to leave then turned around "see y'all tomorrow at the quarry" then turned to leave

At home we walked in "was it fun" I turned to see mom "ya mama it was so fun we ayed for a while then bills mom made us sandwiches " she looked as if she was in a good mood "oh mommy bill wanted to know if we can go and play again tomorrow"
Eddie said "Yes just don't roll around in the grass and stuff like that"

We ate dinner and went to bed and I started to think what Stan said at the pharmacy

Stanley's POV

I laid in bed thinking I was done hiding it was going to tell yn and talk to her I'm done keeping these feelings and not telling her
I will tell her how I feel how tho I mean she's my best friend how do
I tell her I love her I have ever since October I mean she has everything
She's smart, funny, kind, and pretty to I know everything about
Her but if she likes me I mean what do I do all I know is I'm telling her tomorrow I wanna be more than friends she
Means everything to me I just hope
For a good awnser
Like yes, of course not a bad one like ew, I hate u, never talk to me again, were better as friends I just hope it goes well how do I even say this yn look I like u no no no probably yn look I don't wanna ruin our friendship but I love u so much I don't know I just need sleep

Yesss I'm so excited to get the next chapter done I honestly am already so excited for what happens next bc I already planned it all out word count is 1736 bye freaks

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