thats some meaning greeting

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We got to my appointment I sat down the doctor was a girl think god everyone waited outside as she talked to me
"So are those you brothers" I responded "one is the one in the blue shirt is my boyfriend" "oh I see is
That why I gotta do this" she asked "ya I told my dad we did he said I had to get birth control if
I wanted to mess around" she looked surprised "and you are 12" I nodded "ya but it kinda happened again last night" I awkwardly smiled "ok I'm going to have to cut your arm open do u need anything" she said I knew what I was saying "can I have my family in here please" she nodded they came in she walked by me I was scared before she could do anything I said "stanley get over here"
Ok I had to do this because of him I gam going to squeeze his wrist as much as it hurts me I grabbed his wrist

She cut my arm slowly and then pushed open the cut and got a stick she moved it around in my skin I was crying after that she walked over and got a needle and string stanley brought me into a hug and she walked back I was still hugging stanley
I was also holding dads hand she shoved the needle in and out eddie wasn't in the room because he couldn't stand it once she was done she wrapped my arm around arm where it was cut after she was done I was in full tears 
Before we left she walked up to me and gave me a stuffed turtle I held that I left I laid on stanley on the way to drop
Him off at home "stanley your an ass hole" he looked at me "why" I looked at him "I would have this if it wasn't for you" I giggled
We got to his house he kissed me and said "by princess" I smiled "bye" I kissed him and dad said "ok make out later ok calm down"
He left when we got home me and eddie watch watched tv after a while  we heard dad call our name we ran down stairs we seen Georgia and this girl like a few years older than us probably 16 "yn eddie meet Georgia and her daughter ginny"(Astin doesn't exist ok)

So they get along and stuff they come over often they met Richie but no body else because it's only dinner or they go out in public together so it's been 2 weeks ginny, you and eddie are getting along and dad and Georgia decided they want Georgia and ginny to meet stanley and the loser club were having a sleep over and ginny and Georgia were staying the night to

Stanley got there and my dad Answered I was in my room with ginny and Beverly Richie, bill, ben and eddie were in the movie room dad called my name me ginny and Bev went down stairs I seen him and ran and hugged him he gave me a kiss "hi princess"
I smiled we were bye the door and and Georgia were by us I said "we can make out now" dad looked at me "what yn when did I tell u y'all could make out when all these people are here" I looked at my dad when he said that I responded " ok last time we all had a sleepover we fucked so who says we can't make out " stanley went red dad then said "just go I'm ordering pizza" we ran upstairs
We all got upstairs

After evey one ate it was time for everyone to go to bed after Georgia and max fell asleep the kids decided to play t or d

It was Ginny's turn "yn truth or dare" I was no pussy "dare" she smiled "promise" she gave me a smirk but I couldn't be no pussy in front of ginny she was so cool I nodded "ok kiss someone in the room but not stanley Beverly or me and it has to be lips" I was so not excited
I looked at stanley "witch one of these boys do u trust the most not to do anything stupid if i kiss them" he was definitely not up for this

Stanleys POV

I was not expecting this to happen not Richie and Beverly likes bill but eddies her brother I mean it would be less weird
Ok I had to "bill or Eddie... " I said looking at bill with a sorry face and then eddie


I looked at Beverly she nodded knowing what I meant she liked bill but eddie was my brother I went up to bill
I was so discussed I could see him mouth 'I'm really sorry' to stanley but at least it wasn't Richie he would probably
Get a boner ew after a few rounds I could still see he was upset I then decided to leave it was getting bad I could tell
"Hey ima go to bed stanley could you come with me" he nodded and followed me then ginny stopped him
"Hey can I talk to this kid please" he was scared "so just please hurry stanley I decided to turn  in the hall so they couldn't see me
And heard ginny say " look you leave her alone ok she is my soon to be sister so just so u know this isn't going to last long just
Know you guys will end soon after you guys break up I will be there for her so don't act all
Innocent you are a little kid that thinks he can just fuck around so I wouldn't
Take your chances ok so if I was u I'd break it off
As soon as possible ok or Mt boyfriend will hunt you and your friends down one by one so do it tonight before anything happens to you or your friends or..... Yn ok" she said it in such a mean dark voice I went in my room and started to cry after 2 or 3 minutes
Stanley walked in and seen me crying he ran to me "yn are u ok" I looked at him "please don't break up with me please" I cried as he pulled me in a hug "what why would u have that idea" he asked me "I heard what ginny said I'll tell my dad just please don't break up with me" I cried into his shoulder "look I promise we need to tell your dad tho ok I promise" I looked at him
I was scared I didn't want him to end it with me

We looked into each others eyes he pulled me in and a kiss turned into making out

He pulled back and walked over to the door locking it and the slowly pulled his shirt off we then took our clothes off  and before I could do anything he pushed me to the bed I was laying down as he hovered over me danm he look hot he leaned in and pressed his lips on mine he was everything I held the back of hisNeck as he put his hands on my waist I looked at him with a smirk "your glad I'm on birth control aren't u" he looked at me
"God u haven't gotten over it have u" it hurt so much how could I "I will at some point in my life" he then learned in and went from my lips to my jaw and to my neck stopping at spots leaving merks after he left about 2 I pushy him off "remember
Dad said none of those" he then leaned in and started to move further down once he got to my waist he came back up to my face
And leaned in he pressed his lips on mine and danm it felt amazing I love when it's more then just a peck
And stanley gave me not only that but made my dad give me birth control but honestly before that could happen
Someone was knocking on the door "who is it!" I yelled at stanley moved to my neck "Richie why is the danm door locked" Stan then started biting a spot that made me moan I made the noise the covered my mouth stanley then pulled back "what do u need rich!" He then started biting then spot again i grabbed his back and shoved my nails into his back so he would stop
But he didn't get the Message and kept doing it I had to cover my mouth to try and be quite "we want to know if stanley was coming back but if y'all busy I get it" he pulled back and looked at me I shook my head no to tell him he wasn't going back
"No I'm tired I'll sleep in here" stanley said leaning  back in "ok got it need a condom I got one" Richie said stanley pulled back
"YNS ON BIRTH CONTROL!" Stanley pulled back in and kept biting the same spot Richie giggled then said "so u admit you are fucking" I then didn't care I took my hand off my mouth and moaned as loud as i could  "JESUS CRIST" and Richie then said "ok I'll take that as a yes" and ran away stanley pulled back "man u didn't have to do it that loud" I giggled at his words "ya I did
It wouldn't have gave Richie a better reaction"

After we finished all that we cuddled and started to talk a little "yn why did u stay and listen to what ginny told me"
I thought I told him the truth obviously "I didn't want her to tell u some lie to make u hate me or do something bad like pin u to a wall" he then said "look honestly I wouldn't care if u fucked Richie I just would want to know" I giggled "I wouldn't fuck Richie unless I was really drunk.

(Ok sooooooo skip to what happened because I'm tired but I gotta post something and I'm going to sum it all up so I can sleep.they told max. ginny and Georgia moved to Ohio?........... No Tennessee ya Tennessee. max has to go on a business trip and he doesn't really trust yn and Eddie by them self's so he do be getting a baby sitter. A cool one. It's been 3 days ok

Also I'm mixing a few shows and movies together so I think I wanna add Stranger Things, the black phone and Hartstopper so I'm just going to go to sleep I'm tired gn words 1806 bye freaks♡

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