they gay baby siters brother

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I woke up dad was putting his things I his car I got dressed and went down to say hi to dad as he was outside"morning daddy" "morning sweetheart" he was going to help auntie Karen and cousins Holly Mike and Nancy there dad died in a car accident and dad was going to help auntie Karen and he was leaving me and eddie with a babysitter as dad was loading up his stuff someone drove up to the house and a boy walked out he looked 16 he walked up to dad and started to speak "hello I'm nick arellano I'm here to watch yn and eddie while you are away" he had a British accent "hello I'm max umm I left money on the table for food and contacts on the fridge also only a few rules keep the house up and nice, no being outside past 10, no party's and if they want friends over it's fine, and if stanley uris comes over make sure yn and stanley remember the rules I gave them" he nodded and then asked "what are the rules u gave them exactly" dad looked over to me "yn tell Nick your and Stans rules" j was not expecting this "well I'm no hickey's and keep the sound down" he
Looked weird "what noise if I may ask"  he asked me then eddie came out "the moaning and shit like that obviously" nick was surprised "and u are how old" he was surprised "me and eddie are both 12 were twins" after a bit dad left and after we watched him leave the neighborhood "so nick" he looked at me "can stanley come over" (keep in mind it's Saturday)
"um well let's get to know  each other first" I nodded "I'm yn I'm cool and I love swimming and I have a boyfriend" he nodded and looked at eddie "I'm eddie and I don't like germs" nick could tell he was a Germ freak "I'm nick and I'm here to watch you guys for two weeks ok" we nodded he then said "I was going to check with u but I go to church do u guys go to any church" I nodded with our mom and if we had a sleepover with stanley "ok well would u guys mind going to church with me tomorrow" I nodded he seemed cool(ok I feel like I need to make nick Jewish so he is Jewish now ok)       I thought nick was cool but I had to ask "can the loser's club come over right now" it was 11:30 so it wasn't to early he nodded eddie ran to the phone I then walked to the door "nick Richie lives next door can I get him" he looked at me "ya I'll walk over with u" I nodded at he walked over  we stopped at Richie's door he awnsered "hey yn who's the older dude" I looked at Richie as he said that "dad doesn't trust me and Eddy probably thinks someone will end up pregnant" I said honestly "but Stanley said your on birth control" then nick looked ret surprised as I said "ya he was right by me when i got it" nick looked so surprised Richie looked at nick and said "don't worry her dad knows they fuck" nick went Really red
I then said "and dad knows we hangout with Richie to"
We then left after bill and ben got there we played  the Nintendo then nick called me and eddie "yn eddie stanley is here" ok that's weird because he didn't know any of my friends I ran down the stairs and gave him a hug as he gave me a peck on the lips the nick said "stanley dose your dad know about you two and the sleeping situation" stanley went red "no but I'll tell him at some point"
Nick gave him a look stanley then said "calm down I honestly didn't wanna see u today" nick gave stanley a look
"Calm the attitude" stanley turned to look at me "why is he here" I new stanley didn't like him by the look he gave me for it
"He is watching me and Richie while dad is gone" stanley looked so pissed "so this is watching you and eddie for how long"
I looked at stanley "two weeks" he looked at nick "you gotta start coming to my house" he said nick then had to speak
"Hey well your little girlfriend is going to church while I'm here" I so wanted to die "ok just please nick don't
Tell dad he will kill me I'll tell him on my own time" nick nodded "ok only because she is a good kid got it uris"
We went to leave "also remember the rules no matter is and keep it down I if u can don't at all" stanley looked at me
"Dad told him" he looked kinda upset he looked at nick "she didn't get birth control just so we could do it once and be done" he looked at me with a smirk I blushed he grabbed my hand an we ran into my room. It was just me and stanley "yn don't trust nick ok he's a jerk and I hate hi-" I cut him off by kissing him "I won't ok just promise you aren't mad at me" I nodded and said "promise" after everyone got there we played for and hour then nick called us and we sat at the table it was Mac and cheese
We sat down I looked at nick and said "nick can u get me the milk and 2 apple sauce packages" he nodded and I took them from him and poured milk in Beverly's and gave it back to put away and I sat by stanley and gave him the Apple sauce and we put it in our food we started to eat nick was talking to everyone but stanley was annoyed but he was
Trying hard to hide it I still could tell he then looked at me I knew what he wanted "I get a bite if your to" he looked at me with his fake mad face and I held up my spoon and he bit it off and then me held his spoon up so we were even me and stanley were done first because we didn't wanna be around nick before we went upstairs nick stopped us "hey keep the door open 3 inches"
I rolled my eyes we ran to my room we sat on my bed and started to talk "what do we do since we gotta have the door
opened 3 inches" I asked "we don't we just have to make them uncomfortable so then he tells us to shut the door" he looked into
My eyes he was just something he was him but he was definitely hating someone more than anyone I had to ask
"Stanley if I ask promise not to be mad" I nodded "why do u hate nick I could see his pissed off look he was trying to hide
"He is a jerk to me he is so nice in front of my dad and everyone else but he is just mean to me when I was 9 he punched me in the face and made me tell everyone great did it" I felt bad nick was an ass hole I felt bad I could tell he didn't
Wanna talk about it so I leaned In and looked in his eyes I pressed my lips against mine I pulled away and shut walked to the door locked it "yn he skad 3 inches ope-" I cut him off shoving my lips to his I then pushed him so his back was on my bed and hovered over him I then leaned in again I pressed my lips against his and then laying my body on his still making out with his moving my hips as he laid under me and then pushed me back a little "since when did you think u were in charge" he pushed me to the side so then he was hovering over me we started so make out he pulled back and took his shirt off we both sat up and
Made out for probably another 5 minutes before eddie ruined it "HEY NICK SAID 3 INC-" I interrupted him
"SO U WANT TO WATCH US FUCK" me and stanley giggled we weren't going to especially because
Everyone was awake so we wouldn't the most we would do it make out and seriously it's really fun to fuck with them and get them to think we are because it's just funny I got up
And I went by the door as stanley put his shirt on I opened it "here happy now" eddie gave me a dirty look and walked by "we're going to Richie's house u guys coming?" I didn't want to "stanley can if he wants to but I'm not" stanley shook his head no
After Richie and eddie left me and stanley sat in the living room watching frozen because why not
Nick then came in and said "stanley your dad called he wanted u to head home I can drive u if u want" stanley shook his d
Head no he went to leave "forgot something" I said as he walked back and gave me a quick kiss "bye I love u" I smiled "I love you to bye" I watched him leave then nick said"wow he's different" I looked at him confused "I've never seen hi. Like that he's all ways giving people glares and in a bad mood" obviously because he likes being around the loser's club "well maybe try and get along with him he's really a good and sweat kid that's why we're together" he smiled "so we have something in common" he said I was  confused I gave him a 'what?' Look he then said "we both have ourselves a boyfriend" I didn't know he was gay
"What next ur going to tell me Tokio hotel is your favorite band" he looked at me "yes they are" I laughed I
Honestly kinda liked this kid "ok if ur favorite song by them is monsoon I swear to God" he looked at me and said "it is tho"
Ok this bitch is crazy I already love this dude not more then stanley tho
"Ok do u have an annoying brother" he nodded "his names robin he is a bitch he got suspended 8 times for fighting in school you will be able to meet him tomorrow he hates going to church he says 'I don't believe that dumb ass Jewish shit' stanley is even friends with him but they only hangout when we got church" ok now I was excited I get to meet this robin arellano kid
He seemed bad ass I was excited to meet him

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