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Y/N's POV :

"I told you but you never believed me."

I sighed and hold my head in my hands because it was hurting. Mina keep ranting about how i should have listened to her years ago while I just sat there still trying to process whatever happend.

I really wanted to talk with someone about it that's why I called Mina but now I just wanted to be alone.

She finally sighed and sat down beside me. "You should give your mind a rest. Don't think about it alot and I'm sorry. I should have just listen to you instead of ranting but again. I TOLD YOU SO..."

Her last word caused me to throw a cushion at her to which she just laughed and ran out of my apartment. When she left, I got up and went to my room. I did my night routine then laid on my bed.

The blondie told me alot of things which left me feeling so many things at once. I still can't believe what she said.

She told me that Ms. Manoban knew about my crush on her because of my behavior around her. I think it wasn't a shocking thing because I did acted differently around her but what made me shocked was when that blondie revealed that Ms. Manoban also had some feelings for me. She wasn't sure about what she was feeling but she did felt something for me.

Shocking right?

Imagine how shocked I was when I realised that the women I was always in love with also loved me back. My jaw was literally on the floor. I had to force myself to close my mouth.

I was also confused because if she had feelings for me then why did she agreed to marry Taehyung?

It didn't make any sense to me.

Until blondie told me about Ms. Manoban's parents.

They never accepted her being a lesbian that's why they forced her to get married with Taehyung. Ms. Manoban only agreed to it because she loved her parents a lot and she didn't wanted them to get disappointed.

She literally forced herself to get engaged with Taehyung and show the world that she was in love with him.

Even if she wasn't.

I can't believe she was going through all that and still had a smile on her face like her life wasn't fucked up even if it was.

She keep telling Taehyung to wait for marriage because she was still not sure if she was ready to sacrifice her happiness for her parents or not. On the other hand, she was dealing with all those feelings toward her student, which made her even more stressed.

She finally broke the engagement, 4 months after I graduated when she realied that she couldn't marry a man while her heart belonged to someone else.

Taehyung just stormed off from there while she had huge argument with her parents which ended with them disowning her. After that Ms. Manoban left from there angrily.

On the same night, her car hit a truck causing her left leg to get paralysed temporarily. The doctor told her that it could be healed with therapy and other treatments but she didn't had that much money. Her parents disowned her and they didn't even came to meet her in the hospital.

Blondie offered her money but she didn't wanted to be a burden that's why she decided to use a wheelchair until she had enough money for her treatment.

A month after that, she started teaching again but luck was never on her side. One day, when she was returning home, a group of five men tried to rape her.

They almost did.

But she was saved by the locals.

Since that day, she hasn't responded to anyone. Even if you call her name, she will just stare at you but will never give you any response.

She was too traumatized from that incident. She was also dealing with alot of things in such a short span of time that's why it affected her even more.

Six years have already passed but no matter how much doctors tried, nothing worked. Blondie is her bestfriend since they were kids. She is the one who is paying for her bills and taking care of her. In her absence, hospital staff take care of her.

Doctors already have lost hope and said that she will never recover but blondie never did. She still believe that her bestfriend will recover.

It's also a really hard thing to feed her something. She only eat on rare occasions otherwise she just ignore the food.

My heart broke little by little hearing all of this. My eyes were filled with tears because I can't imagine her going through all of this. I wish I was there to protect her. If she would have contacted me, I could have saved her from alot of things. I would have paid for everything without even thinking about it.

I suffered thinking that she never loved me back but only if I knew. Tears gathered in my eyes thinking about her again but I never cried. Instead I took a deep breath already knowing what to do because crying will not make anything better.

I will prove those doctors wrong who said that she will never recover. I will help her recover from the mental trauma.

I will make her smile again, no matter how hard it is.

If I have to spend rest of my life trying to make her smile again, I will because she is my everything.

Without her, I'm nothing.


Oh wait!

I forget to ask that blondie's name.



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