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I sighed internally looking outside the window thinking about the tall human. Some days ago Y/N came here and told me that she had to leave for three days because she had some important work in other state. She promised me that she will back after 3 days.

And it's the fourth day.

Even if it's almost night time, there is still no sign of her. Right now, so many thoughts are in my head and all of them are negative.

What if she never come back?

What if she finally got tired of me?

What if something happened to her?

I stopped myself from thinking about all the what ifs because I felt like my head was about to explode. I just reassured my poor heart saying that maybe she got busy with something else or maybe she will visit me next day because she was tired?

Yeah, nothing else.


I felt myself shiver because of the cold wind and my mind immediately drifted away to when Y/N held my hand. Her hands were warm and bigger than mine. I know I didn't reacted that day but I still remember my heart beating in my chest at a rapid speed when she did it and started smiling a like kid.

Her eyes sparkled with so much happiness that it made me think if I am really that special to make her react like that just by letting her hold my hand?

I don't think so.

I am just an ordinary person.

There's nothing special about me.


My train of thoughts were cut off when I heard the door open and sound of heavy boots echoed in the surrounding. My heart rate increased because I know it was her. I was feeling excited to see her again, an emotion I have not felt in past few years.

She picked up the small chair and placed it beside me and sat. She called my name causing me to glance at her but I quickly looked away from her.

Even if it was just a small glance, I noticed alot of things.

Her charming smile wasn't there on her face. Her sparkling eyes were dull and full of sadness.

What happened?

She was so happy just a few days ago and now she looks completely different.

I waited for sometime for her to start talking and laugh on cringe jokes but she never did. I slowly turned toward her to see her gazing at her hands. She had a look on her face which made my heart quench painfully in my chest.

Her silence scared me and made me worried at the same time. I wanted to know what happened to her and comfort her.

Or maybe it's because of me?

She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn't even noticed me staring at her. Suddenly, her eyes filled with tears causing my heart to break in my chest. I never thought it was possible to feel pain in your chest just by looking at someone until I saw a tear slip from her eyes.

Before my mind could think about anything, my hand was already moving forward to wipe it away. She didn't reacted for a second but then turned her head to look at me.

Her eyes were wide open while she keep looking at me. She quickly held my shaky hand which was still on her cheeks and got up then kneeled infront of me. More tears were streaming down her cheeks which I didn't liked a bit. I keep trying to wipe her tears away but they didn't stopped.

She was trying to say something but keep stuttering. So I finally did the only thing, I thought was perfect to comfort her. I wrapped my shaky hands around her neck and pulled her in a warm hug. She didn't even wasted a second before she tightly hugged me too.

She cried on my shoulders, her body shaking a little. I just held her as tight as I could in my weak and shaky arms, never letting her go even when they start hurting.

I haven't said a single words in 6 years but now I wanted to. I wanted to tell her that everything will be okay. I wanted to let her know that I was here for her, no matter what but nothing came out of my mouth.

Just silence.

When she stopped crying, she pulled back from the hug and looked at me with red eyes and tear stained cheeks. I couldn't speak so instead I gently hold her cheeks in my hands and kissed her forehead lovingly, letting my lips linger there for sometime.

I was about to pull back when I heard something fall on the ground. Both of us look behind us to see Rosé standing there.

She was standing there with her jaw hanging in air and eyes wide open. While a box of pizza and a cold drink was on the ground. She stood there frozen as if she saw a ghost until Y/N's laugh echoed around.

She wasn't able to stop herself from laughing which made my heart flutter in my chest.

I internally thanked Rosé for making her laugh.


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