Why Edgeworth is gay

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"Is this a joke?" No, no it is not. This is why Edgeworth is gay. Skip to the next chapter if you dont care, by the way.

INTEREST IN WOMEN • Edgeworth is described as very attractive in the series. I agree, and many girls in the game do. The thing is, is that Edgeworth is usually oblivious to the fact that any time a women flirts with him. Ex. Dahliah. Dahliah is known to be very pretty and easily able to seduse people.He never noticed her flirting.  However, Oldbag is the only one he noticed, because that's her character pretty much, to steal Edgeworth from Wright!!!! /hj. He also mentions that he doesn't want to settle down, and start a family with a wife and kids. *cough* wife *cough*(Trucy might be a problem)

 That doesn't 100% prove it though, right? Well, look at the stereotype then.

Stereotyping would be bad to figure out a real persons gender, however, this is a game about gay lawyers, so yk. 

1. His clothing. Guys, come on. Your gonna tell me that THIS is straight?

Your telling me that straight?? 😂😂😂! Well, the thing is, is that he legit rides a red sports car 😂😂😂😂 gayavaygaygay

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Your telling me that straight?? 😂😂😂! Well, the thing is, is that he legit rides a red sports car 😂😂😂😂 gayavaygaygay


1. Wears pink frilly stuff 


Okay, but 1. The wrighters of Ace Attorney are also Yaoi wrighters, right? That means THEY KNOW WHAT THEY'RE DOING!

2.  ...bro how you gonna explain how "You give me unnecessary feelings" is straight?? 😂😂😂😂

3. Man bought a privite helicopter for Phoenix because he fell through a burning bridge. gayavaygaygay

Lets talk about the anime. Okay, first, they kept my favorite line, the unnecessary feelings, and 2, BRO IN THE INTRO THEY ARE CONNECTED BY A CHAIN- THEY'RE SOULMATES BRO!!!

Okay, but like, he KEPT the key chain in his drawer? Like, bro? I feel like his first fictional crush would be steel samurai lol- but yeah, connected by a chain and stuff. 

Lets go back to the, He's not straight part. People who are attracted to almost everyone and is said to be popular, their flirting ended works on Edgeworth, who is completely oblivious. Such as April May. 

Are we not gonna talk about the line:

"Ah, I see you have your eye on Ms.Rhoda"

"Yes, im keeping a very close eye on her so she doesn't escape"


Like bro? He obviously isn't attracted to women if he can't figure out what- anyways, It says he's very attractive and popular, but has never actually dated anyone. He also said he hates perfume lol.

I haven't seen the musical, but looking trough comments on youtube, I learned(?) that Edgeworth gets a love interest in The musical. I also hard Wright does too, but just has Edgeworthes backstory. You can't use the musical as evedance when it legit twist up the entire lore. Plus, All wdgeworths love interest does is give him a rose, soo- (Take that!)

We can get two things outta this, 

1. He is Aro Ace. Aroace means he doesn't have any attraction to anyone whatsoever. Not to be confused with acesexual, the desire to not do..stuff. And Aromantic, the desire to..only do stuff... However, he is Aroace.

2. He is gay, and likes mennn!!!

I think he's gay, and here is why. 

1, in one of the screens in the game, A dude asks "Hey~ Wanna go out for a drink?" Edgeworth, who knew it was a date offering, declined politely, just four it to be relived the dude was talking to a flight attended. 

Going to the seedling thing, 

2, He says he doesnt want to have romance. (because it weighs him down and stuff) but if Capcom ment for Edgeworth to be aroace, they could have just said, "Uninterested in falling in love" Rather then romance. He said he's against settling down, (having a wife and kids) so yeah. Not, having a husband. He also most likely just said that because Phoenix was bringing up "The power of love" into the court. 

(We never see any gay couples in Japanfornia, so maybe they don't have gay married there? Its a possibility. Not saying that people can't be gay tho)

So yeah. EURIKA! He's gay.

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