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𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆

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𝗛𝗮𝗽𝗽𝘆 𝗕𝗶𝗿𝘁𝗵𝗱𝗮𝘆

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After the sun went down for the night, you stayed in your spot for another hour. The light posts helped illuminate the paths you walked down after leaving. It was dark, cold, but quite noisy given it was a saturday night.

You haven't driven your bike in a while, it's put away in a storage unit with other things — useless or not. So as you walked downtown it was nothing but busy streets and sidewalks; people in and out of stores, music, car horns, chatter, etc. Not even the headphones could cancel it all out.

Time had felt slow yet sounded so fast, left and right many individuals would walk past you going about their day. You felt suffocated out more in public, as if you were the most vulnerable then. It's why you rushed home after leaving the pond.

The whole thing about Sasha being out of town was a lie, you just needed an excuse and more of a reason for Koko to go hang with Taiju. Cause lord knows if you didn't make up the lie, he still would've been sitting there or dragged you with him. Either way, it wasn't ideal.

However, before reaching your apartment building you decided to stop by the corner store, wondering if they had better snacks than the shop you went to earlier. Maybe a beverage would do you good too, an energy drink or something.

Currently you walk down the aisles one by one, carefully examining your options before you can make your way to the beverages. Not eating for a long period of time is damaging, so you know you have to at least eat something before sleeping. Or else you'd feel sick for the next few days. Though, it seems either way you get nauseated.

Your fingers graze the snacks, checking prices, brands, and even picking them up to check the nutrition facts label. You wouldn't be surprised if the worker behind the counter assumed you were to steal something, because honestly those chances aren't low.

However, as you look at him you think he might not care. He looks like another teenager, maybe a year or two younger than you. He's on his phone bored out of his mind, not paying attention to anything. Just for the hell of it you'll probably steal some random shit and walk right out. Shit, he'd probably ask you to slip him something as well.

You move onto the next aisle, checking out the bags of trail-mix and other chips. Literally nothing sounds good anymore, all of it is just random junk that gets your stomach to stop growling. It makes your head spin, stressing over the fact you can't even decide what random thing you'll grab and eat. It doesn't matter, you can barely taste anything nowadays.

"whaaatever..." you mumble under your breath with an eye roll, walking out of the aisle without looking at anything else. Maybe you'll have better chances with the drinks, a coffee or something.

The bell goes off as you stand in front of a glass door filled with various options of energy drinks. Being curious, you look for a moment and see it's only a man who went straight to the register, probably about to pay for gas or request a brand of cigarettes. You don't care much for that, so you turn away.

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