-The start.-

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The small mage opens his eyes and he looks around- confused to where he is or how he got there.. all he remembers is pain. ALOT of pain- everywhere. In his chest, his sides, his head, his face, and his hands. They all felt like they were being stabbed- but now- he feels fine. He looks around and then he notices something. A hand of some sort is holding his arm and then he looks back and he sees a boy. The boy had two black horns that seemed to also have a red glow over them, a tail with a red spike at the end, wings that are small, and black stuff dripping from his mouth. Wizard didn't know why he felt so... relaxed around this boy- but he did so he didn't mind. He then decided to just lean against him. An hour or so passed and the boy opened his eyes. The boy looked around confused at first but then he started to smile a bit. The smile was kinda creepy- but needless to say it was also just a friendly smile. Wizard looked at the boy and the boy looked back. The boy found a piece of paper and he wrote the word "GingerBrave.." wizard read that and he pointed at the paper and then he pointed at the boy. He tilted his head as a way to ask "you?".
The boy nodded, and then he pointed at wizard and he tilted his head at him. Wizard wrote on the back of the paper "wizard..". Gingerbrave looked at wizard and then at the paper and then he smiled. He then hugged wizard tightly and affectionately. Wizard made a growling sound and he pushed GingerBrave, in an effort to get away from him- to no success unfortunately. GingerBrave finally decided to let go of the poor small mage. Wizard glared and he looked up at GingerBrave. GingerBrave looked down at him and smiled warmly. Wizard looked away and growled. GingerBraves tail went up a bit and then it wrapped around Wizards leg and it lifted him off the ground.

Wizard was now upside down and GingerBrave seemed to think this was funny.. Wizard glared and GingerBrave put him down. GingerBrave then stretched and he laid down on the ground. It wasn't comfy- but it wasn't uncomfortable either. Wizard looked down at GingerBrave. GingerBrave decided to pat beside him as a proposal as to offer the mage to lay beside him. Wizard took the offer and he laid down beside GingerBrave. He felt comforted in a way he didn't know. He leaned against GingerBrave and he closed his eyes before he fell asleep. GingerBrave looked at the small mage.. he noticed how all you could see of the wizards face was only but his eye.. followed by the dripping black stuff coming from the bottom of the scarf the covered his mouth, and finally he noticed that wizard was now really close. GingerBrave looked down at wizard and he saw that the small mage was now all snuggled into him. The wizard was calm and relaxed with his arms wrapped around GingerBraves waist. GingerBrave didn't mind this at all... He kinda liked it in a way. He fell asleep later on with a hand over wizards back.

Story word count 499 (I wrote this chapter at 3Am on June 24th.)
I hope you all enjoy this first chapter! Remember- I might die a few times and then disappear for like a month or so before coming back and continuing!

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