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It was a quiet day at Ravenwood academy, supposedly Friday's and Saturday's are days reserved for duel, but a sudden assembly was called and all the academy staffs were required to appear.

Since it'll be three days of no class, students were allowed to go visit home or just go outside campus so long as they'll be back by monday.

Isabella decided to stay, She misses her mom but still unsure whether going back home is a good idea as of the moment, It's only been a few weeks so she thinks her mom is still furious about her attending the academy.

Blair went home and Kali is probably in their room sleeping since it's still pretty early, Kali did not went home since her parents were in switzerland so she decided to just stay in the academy.

She's also still a little hesitant to leave Aelia alone for three days given the attack that happened the previous day.

Now Isabella is by the field, It's a peaceful day with only a few students in the academy so she decided to soak in the silence. She laid a matt on the grass and played some music on the guitar she borrowed from Blair.

Little did Isabella know that from a few distance away from where she sat is a woman holding a bow and an arrow aiming at her waiting for the perfect time to release.

It was an opportunity to attack, the woman thought, just as she released her grip from the arrow, a strong energy materializes infront of the woman shattering the arrow into thin air.

The woman, dismayed, turned around knowing exactly who interfered with her attack.
"What the fuck! Celestine?" She exclaimed.

"When will you stop, Izel?" Celestine asked, calmly approaching the woman and standing beside her.

"Why'd you do that? That should've been a bullseye." Izel replied with a question, refusing to answer Celestine.

"Stop picking on the newbie, Izel." Celestine stated.

"I'm not picking on her." She denied.
"Why are you here?" The other just shrugged her shoulders and sat down on the grass.
"Did Eirene sent you to watch me?"

Again not hearing a response from the other woman, she continued to speak.

"Why do you all always stop me? Eirene has been up my neck for weeks now then Azriel interfered the other day, now you? "

"You're being irrational, Izel, that's why." Celestine answered, annoyed by her friends attitude.
"Stop trying to attack her. She didn't even do anything."

"Funny, I never heard you stopping Eirene when she would play with the newbies."

"Eirene don't harm them Izel. She gives them a few commands mostly to get her food and do a few stupid things here and there for entertainment, but she do not physically hurt them. It's much different from what you're doing now."

"She's just a newbie Shin, Why do you care so much about her?"

"Because Kalliste is my friend and clearly, Kali cares about her." At Celestine's response, Izel becomes more infuriated.

"And that's the reason I want her gone." She answers before aiming another arrow at Aelia who's still clueless about the danger.

"Stupid." Celestine whispered.
"You think if you eliminate her Kali will get back together with you?" She questioned trying to knock some sense into her friend.
"You'll just give her much more reason to be mad at you. Seriously, can't you use your brain and think Izel?"

"Stop insulting me Celestine, I might change my mind and shoot you instead." She threatens.

"You can try, but you'll clearly fail." Cel snickers. Izel's temper is just something else.

"You know you're such a coward, Izel."

"Shut up."

"No, listen. First, You fuck up your two years relationship with Kali for a werewolf you just met, You let the woman you claim to love leave without trying to fight for her, cause instead of chasing after her, you choose to pick the safest option by staying with the boy you cheated on her with.

Second, You send her gifts after months, thinking those are enough to gain back her forgiveness, but didn't even make enough effort to talk to her.

Third, you scare away her past roommates so that they would request to transfer to a different room leaving her in a room alone for what, a year?"

"Just shut up, Shin!" Izel exclaimed already having enough of what Celestine is saying cause it's all true.

"Lastly, you're here now, hiding behind this tree aiming an arrow at the woman Kali clearly likes." Celestine paused.

Izel is fuming, she hates how celestine puts so much emphasis on Kali liking another, she just can't accept the fact that the love of her life is indeed falling for someone that's not her.

"You're trying to attack an innocent girl, unguarded. That's such a coward move Valentin." Celestine watched as Izel gripped the bow tighter.

Izel needed to hear those facts.

"If you really want Kali back, this isn't the right thing to do."

Celestine stood up shaking off the dried grass that stick into her pants.

"And if you're actually really annoyed by the newbie, ask her for a duel and play fair."

After saying her piece, celestine left her friend behind, confident she talked her enough into stopping her attack and future attacks on Aelia.

Izel lowered her weapons letting it dissipate into thin air. Looking back at the woman she dislike, her heart breaks a little more as she saw Kali now sitting beside the woman, laughing with her.

Just a short update.

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