Chapter 9: Stupid Hard Choices

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Robin's POV:

The door loomed over me, the orange symbol looking down, almost like it was glaring down at the purple one on my arm and judging me. I stared at it nervously, my mouth screwed up as my hand hovered over the key card scanner, the small slip of plastic inches away from opening it.

'I made my choice,' I spoke out loud and scowled at it, 'If they don't accept me then I still have the other mers.' I quickly scanned in and went in before someone saw me having a staring contest with the door.

I still felt my hands clenching nervously. Of course, I had other duties before I could see the pods which meant the other volunteers saw me and then immediately saw the Auto's, meaning they probably already knew which side I'd chosen.

And of course, they didn't quite like that.

The mood was sullen when I entered the room, making me stop in the doorway and look around, biting my lip. Few of the mers were out, meaning I only saw Optimus, Ultra Magnus, and Ratchet on the rocks, Wheeljack and Bulkhead on the sand, talking and none seemed to notice my presence.

'Maybe I shouldn't.' I quietly said and was about to take a step back when Optimus looked up and saw me. A small smile formed on his face and he waved me over, making the other two beside him look at me, their conversation dropping. I tried to return the leader's smile as I quickly walked over, my head down for some reason in shame as I crossed the floating path.

I just crossed over onto the rocks when the water behind me burst and a yell was heard before there was a blur of red and I felt myself landing on the ground as the mer tackled me.

'Cliff?' I asked, looking up at him as he took me by the shoulders and shook me, 'Tell me it isn't true!' He begged, looking at me worriedly, 'Please tell me you didn't join the Deceptis!'

'Uuuh,' Was all I could say as I sat up and Bee and Smokey swam over. The white youngster pulled himself up and frowned, looking at the purple symbol on my arm.

'It is true!' Cliffjumper wailed, falling one and draping his arms over me, making me fall back down with a yelp.

'Cliff!' Arcee said, hoisting herself up and dragging him off me while Optimus swam over and helped me sit up. 'Thanks.' I mumbled but didn't look up at him.

'So, why?' Ratchet asked, not even giving me a second to catch my breath before he was on the walkway right in front of me, leaning down to my face so he was a foot away.

I leaned back but couldn't anymore as Optimus was still behind me. He put a reassuring hand on my shoulder and used the other to push the medic back, 'I'm sure she has a perfectly reasonable and understandable reason for her choice,' He said, looking sternly at the mers as they gathered around me, 'Perhaps you should try listening before asking. Not everyone has to choose our side.'

I looked back and gave him a small smile in thanks before turning back to the group, 'It's not that I don't love you guys, I do. Believe me, choosing was probably the hardest decision of my life,' I said, holding my hands up, 'But I really felt like I belonged more with them. All of you told me what you think they're like and apart from Airachnid, I have yet to see those sides of them.'

'Because they're probably just tricking you.' Wheeljack scoffed, crossing his arms and rolling his eyes, 'No doubt they plan to attack you when you're unaware.'

'But they're not like that!' I insisted, leaning forward a bit, 'They protect me and make sure I'm alright every time I come in!' 'And we don't do that?' Cliffjumper pouted.

'You all do,' I said with a sigh, 'But I just felt like when I'm around them, I get to see a side no one else does. Heck, I'm the only person who can go into their room without being pelted with seaweed or dragged into the water.'

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