Chapter 18: Extra Help

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I stood on my toes and looked out the small window above the bathtub as the next morning came. The storm still raged outside but it had just turned into hard rain which meant my gran would be driving back.

I looked down at Rewind fast asleep in the bath, curled up on his side with his body and head fully submerged. Quietly going out of the bathroom, I made my way down the hall to the kitchen. I quickly fried an egg and put it on a piece of toast, holding that in my mouth as I rooted around in the freezer for more fish.

After finishing my breakfast, I put the mackerel in a plastic tub full of hot water, preparing Rewind's food the same way I'd done for all the other mers at the aquarium. I also need him to be in proper health since I'd gotten Jack's mother, a vet at the aquarium, to come and look at the little mer.

Sloshing and clicks coming from the bathroom told me he'd woken up. I smiled and went back to the room, walking in to see the cheerful blue visor looking at me.

"Morning!" Rewind smiled, waving at me as I went and crouched down next to him. "Hey there, sleep well?" I asked with a grin.

"As much as one can with stiff limbs," He joked, giving his tail a swish and causing water to slosh around in the tub, "Though I will admit, it was a bit weird since this was my first time in a while sleeping alone."

"You missing your mate?" I asked to which he gave a small nod. I smiled and reached over, patting his head in between the fins, "Don't worry, you'll be seeing Chromedome soon enough." I reassured him, "We just need to make sure you're fit to return to the sea."

"Thanks," Rewind said, putting one hand on mine and grinning, "So who'd you say was coming today?"

"Well my grans probably going to be home soon and I arranged for one of my friend's mothers to come and take a look at you," I said, leaning on the rim, "Nurse Darby is going to evaluate your condition. Don't worry, she's really nice."

"As long as she isn't as scary as Ratchet," Rewind giggled. I laughed and grinned at him, "Well I'm not so sure about that considering both of them think highly of each other and are friends."

"Do you think I'll be able to see the oceanarium?" He asked hopefully, getting closer to me. I smiled and shrugged, "It all depends if you need to go in for surgery."

"Maybe I can see Mags and Ratch again," Rewind beamed, "I'd even be glad to see Megs. I wonder how he is after all this time."

"Changed from what the others have told me and from what I've seen," I said with a giggle, "Spending 50 years with you guys really made an impact on him."

"Yeah we'll, he changed us as well," Rewind smiled, "It was sad to see him go but I think he's happy now."


"And there's a merformer in the tub." My gran said with an amused grin, leaning in the doorway with her arms crossed the next day.

She'd come in so silently I didn't even hear her until she was right behind me, causing both Rewind and I to jump and a bit of water to spill onto the floor.

"Oh hi, gran." I said with a laugh, looking at her, "I didn't think you'd be back till this afternoon."

She just shrugged and walked over, looking at Rewind who was staring at her just as curiously, "So, who's your new friend?" She asked, sitting down next to me.

"This is Rewind, he's from the Lost Light pod," I smiled, "He washed up on the shore during the storm and was badly hurt so I brought him here and did what I could." My gran turned and looked at me with a raised eyebrow, "And Tarn didn't get to him?"

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