Chapter 01 - New World

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August 8th, 2027/Otsaila 2nd, 790
Sadera, Augustus Empire, Falmart

An elderly man in a purple robe and orange & white attire is standing in the middle of the room. His name is Marquis Casel El Tiberius, the leader of the Imperial Senate. His eyes shows that his wiseness is not questionable. He begin to inform the Emperor Molt Sol Augustus about the strange gate that appears in Alnus.

"Forgive me for my rudeness, Your Majesty, was a catastrophe. How do you compensate for this situation? How do you intend to lead the nation, Your Majesty?" ask Marquis Casel to the Emperor regarding the First Battle of Alnus Hill.

"Marquis Casel, I share your concerns...The Empire's military advantage has indeed been lost due to this damage. I too spend a sleepless night in fear of foreign lords rising against us as one, yet in each time of crisis, have we not pulled together and struggled through? Such as during Arctic War 250 years ago, our predecessors did not lament their lost valour and pride..." Emperor Molt compares the crisis today and in his great-grandfather's era crisis because of Arctic War.

The old emperor starts to think and looks around the room again. The Senate palace has flamboyant decorations in favour of sturdy architecture and has a huge dimension so it can provide six hundred senators of the Empire in one room.

"Do not accuse me of failing to be invincible, but compared to everyone in here, are you all going to play court day after day? Even until the enemy has come all the way to our front door?" the Emperor now bury his face onto his right palm hand, "The Empire's military advantage has been lost due to this major damage. All foreign nations loyal to our nations could join forces and turn against us. Just thinking about this is what makes you concerned?"

Marquis Casel was shocked, he didn't expect the Emperor will think like this. Then, he says one word that even makes Marquis Casel angry for the Emperor's arrogance.

"Pathetic." said the Emperor with a smile, "In every crisis, whether the Emperor, Senate, and people of the Empire united against the problem we face. Each time, we've grown and learn from it. Not every single battle of a war can be won, Marquis Casel. I will not hold any responsibility for this. I'd hate to think that some of you would wasting this time with silly games and you do nothing while foreign forces are almost near the Capital."

All the Senate members are laughing and continue to chit-chat, while Marquis Casel worried about the latter consequences.

In the thirty years of Emperor Molt's reign, he ruled the Empire with an iron fist. Conflicts with neighboring countries beyond the Empire's borders, as well as with rebelling vassals and tribes within, were resolved throught the power of military. The neighboring nations had no choice but to submit in the face of overwhelming powerful Imperial armies.

"He's completely overlooked his own responsibility..." said Marquis Casel while looking at other way.

"But what is your plan?! The joint forces of our Empire alongside the Kingdom of Arpilae and the Kingdom of Durosbiaca that were sent was wiped out ninety-five per cent in only nine days! Moreover, the Gate was overtaken and the enemy is invading to our world! Of course, we set out to retake the hill. Yet the enemy attacked from afar! Like bang, bang, bang, bang!" as an old shaman/elder known as Senator Godasen Atius Saturnilas inform the enemy's capability against the army of Augustus Empire.

It was revealed that Godasen is one of the survivors of the First Battle of Alnus Hill. He was still traumatized that the Japanese, American, German, and Russian soldiers slaughtered all Imperial soldiers with their Sumitomo MINIMI, M249, H&K MG5, and RPK-74M. Not only that, he also saw three squadrons of Wyvern Corps which was one of the parts of Augustus Empire Armed Forces is torn into pieces by the enemies in one night.

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