Natalia romnova

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Natasha ran to get up onto the plane as the shield agents ran with guns her sister (yelena) managed to get on but Natasha was grabbed by the leg and pulled down from The plane forced into a car as it drove away. She looked at the man in front with pleading eyes, and begged, begged for her. beg for him to save her sister to make sure that she wouldn't go through the same pain she had to. but the man said that they got away that she was already there, wherever there was.

2 years later

( Nat is 12 now btw)

"Natasha I called you into my office discuss something important" fury said voice stern as always "What's the topic Director Fury"Asked Natalia voice showing no form of  emotion "your going to school" he said to the girl that had became much like his daughter she looked up in disgust "School? I don't need school director fury I would very much like to carry on with our black widow case"she said looking at him with pleading eyes " you will join Maria in school in a few days, but first you must meet your team" he said ignoring the pleading eyes. she sighed as she gave up, but then looked up at him with a question in luck " what team?" she asked " in shield Academy, you are put into teams or groups really. These groups are who you will spend the rest of your time with in school people can be added onto your team and people can be taken out your team shall be called avengers initiative it's at the moment, consists of five boys and you, the girl." She stared at him with a glare. She went to speak, but he stopped her and carried on with what he was saying, " you will share a room with your team and you will be partners with the boy that should come through my office soon do what you please now, but I would suggest packing since you will be meeting and leaving to your dorms very soon" he said in three seconds later, after staring at each other, a boy burst into the room he had short, dirty blonde hair, and a quill with arrows in it on his back she was excused out of the office he gave her a look, pleading, helpless look she paid no attention to it and looked away walking out in a perfect silence.

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