Clint barton

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I only rlly know about Clint's backstory cuz of like small media stuff and I decided to do a bit of quick research before writing this and this is what Google had to say "The man who would become known as Hawkeye was born Clint Barton. Orphaned at an early age, he joined the circus and apprenticed himself to the Swordsman, a performer who specialized in tricks with blades. After he discovered the Swordsman stealing from the circus, the two fought, and Barton was left for dead" so I'm going off of this if it's not right sorry

Clint's body lay almost still on the dirty ground he had just fought on he lay unable to see or anything really that was until he heard a sound his consciousness flew back into his body as he jolted forward tears spilling down his face as he tried to wipe them away quickly with his blood stained hands , he heard another sound but this time he quickly reacted by grabbing an arrow and placing it in his small foldable bow as he got up, head spinning as he turned around quickly a man emerged from the dark night around him, he began to talk convincingly to Clint slowly persuading Clint into his trust and aid . Clint got into the big black car as the man whose name was coulson began to talk about a school?group?partner?

Hours later

Clint PoV:

We arrived at the man's office knocking at the door before walking in I saw a young girl with long curly red hair walk out with brilliance I gave her a scared look hoping for any form of comfort I was nervous to be honest I'm normally all big, strong, cocky even but now I'm sat in the room of a man who had so much power.he told me many things and I later found out the girl that walked out before me would be my partner, great I have a partner that already  seems to hate me.I was being escorted out so that they could show me where I would sleep for tonight when I heard a boy's screaming "I AM A GENIUS FOR GOD SAKE I DON'T NEED TO GO TO F*CKING SCHOOL!!!" I ignored as I thought he'd probably be in my group as well

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