Tony stark

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I sat outside my fathers meeting he was apparently talking about me. Sure he would never be proud of me he was always to busy thinking about his favourite child, Captain America the child prodigy, the hero, he's been in a comma for like 10 years now he was missing for 9 and 3/4 of it to but I'm still not the favourite and I'm his REAL SON .Steve Rogers isn't.Howard just treats him like one.

I have been out here for an hour, I tried texting Bruce but he didn't reply or even see the messages, he's probably working on his gamma radiation experiment and doesn't want to be distracted by a phone.

Suddenly I heard the door open, finally I can go home with Jarvis but no a random woman came out telling me to follow her as my dad backed her up I began to follow her out the building into a car. Once we were out of my fathers view and out the car I sneaked away "oooooh a tank" I said as I got into it . I started to drive it ramming it into walls "heh this is fun not FUCKING SCHOOL!" I yelled but I started getting shot at. I got out of the tank my hands up. But I when I went to tap my arc reactor for my suit to come on, a woman aka the woman from before cuffed me LIKE WHAT?!? She can't be allowed to do that in TONY FUCK ING STARK I yelled at her as she pushed me down the corridor I walked well was pushed past a boy with a bow n arrow who gave me a pittyful look I DONT NEED PITTY!

I was pushed into an office
Imma just skip this part cause you know the deal your going to school

When I went to walk out I saw Bruce "BRUCIE BEAR!" "Tony?"
"Why where you ignoring my texts?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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