Chapter 1: Anchor

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"No matter how prepared you are, there is still someone that will drive you to stutter, moreover spill a coffee to yourself"



"Your one minute starts now."

I am going to begin this love story with something less expected. However, I am without preparation, not to mention deranged and disheveled—not my clothes, though. Still, I anticipate ups and downs in my own chapters. This is just my introduction, and soon the conclusion will arrive which I am nervous for. I'll let the body narrate the arguments that made me think love is nothing usual.

"How do we learn to love if we have never been in love? That's quite a tough question. Though, it's funny to think that my answer to that is a bit ironic. You can't really learn to love. It's not just some subject in elementary, not even a thesis to research about. Well, a lot of studies have tried that, love is part of psychology after all. But, it's like studying the unstudiable. It's complicated, yes, and it's powerful," I seamlessly cut the speech and took a deep breath.

So I can continue, "you can't really learn to love...because it's not a me, it's a teacher. And to share some things, teacher 'Love' has taught me three things: patience, trust, and sacrifice. How? Because of someone...currently sitting by the audience."

So I can continue loving.


Somewhen ago...

It's a sunny day yet I see clueless raindrops. They are descending for a reason, not just because of climate change; I really don't know the reason. Waking up seeing the shedding light of dawn from my window. It screams 'it's time for class'

On a usual routine, I prepare my breakfast, ready my things for school, and finish the rest of my assignments. All I can say about myself is I'm always prepared, not just for school, but also in life. I'm at my principle for holding that belief.

My parents prepared a name for me way before they had se- and obviously, I was a planned child. They already had enough income to raise me; they already even stocked some natural milk right after baby building; and already had a crib with baby protectors within a blue-walled room—they backed it with pink coating if I turned out to be a girl...

Turns out I'm ga- I think it's still planned since when I came out the closet during my secondary, they accepted me immediately and bought some cringy stereotypical rainbow clothes.

I'm Helios Hakheen Dycen-Cio. My mother even argued to my father to not change her beautiful surname, Dycen, into an unjust one-letter. She said she even prepared an affidavit way before they began being a couple. My father agreed, he's also prepared and had a counter-offer to add 'Hakheen' on my name. Helios was the equilibrium, they both favored it. As a result, me.

As far as I know, Helios Hakheen can be somewhat, figuratively defined as being prepared when the sun shines. It makes so much sense knowing that I'm always prepared.

Few walks later, I arrived at my University. It's not that big, but it's not that small either. Cipher University, perhaps, falls below rank five of the most famous universities in the country.

"Please take out your English textbooks and turn it to page two-nine-three," Mr. Chavez starts the lesson.

After communication class, a large vacant time came, pouring gasoline on my fire of boredom. I came prepared for this scenario: going to the nearest coffee shop outside the university.

I bought a doppio alongside a caramel-glazed bagel. I returned to the university after having a lecture with my e-book inside the cafe. I haven't finished drinking my doppio, so I carried it out as take-out. 

I'm decisively walking down a hallway directed to my next class. Minding my business, holding my doppio like a good coffee-lover, and keeping my eyes on my way.

A minute later, a door opens recklessly right in front of me. The hinge's so fast that the door hits my face without me even knowing. So, my clothes embrace my spilling doppio. The creamiest wool I could have on Mondays is now ruined by a berserk behind the door.

I'm deciding whether to have a battle with my larynx or not. I kick the door with my almighty, it hurts since it's aluminum but it's the motion that counts.

"Hey! You could've opened the door less brash. Did you have a main character moment where you ought to disclose your anger using this door? Look at me now, I'm like a vintage paper thanks to you. Who are you even? What are you even?" I continue lecturing Anger while slowly stepping into the revelation.

Upon confrontation, a 'he' who wears a white polo with black pants, belted, partnered with a black tie looking like an office worker, I perceived; felt belittled with his aesthetic since I was only wearing a cutesy cream cardigan, C.C.C. I called it, in a time like this.

"Why?" His voice sounded brash too, but it sounded more unusual. For short, I was kind of surprised with his vents. I don't know the reason why. It felt-

He's fierce and glowing. As expected with the engineering students. Literature students are more well-mannered and organized, I'm lucky to end up here. Not as lucky as the guy in front. Like he's deprived of attention to do that. Bet he knows there is a person walking perpendicular to the door.

"Didn't you hear me? Look." I raised my cardigan to show the mess he's done.

My cardigan is more deprived than you, deprived in cleaning, cleaning your dark souls.

"What about it?" With his replies, my patience runs lower.

However, I'm prepared...wait...what did I prepare?

My eyes raised to him. I couldn't really distinguish his face since I forgot to take out my glasses inside my bag. I'm going to look pitiful if I get it now. However, the closer he gets, the more his face becomes clear. He has eyes as jade as the forest which resembles my muster of green shade.

"You know, you can just get away with all of this by explaining to me your stand and compensating me for damages. If not, we're going to have some issues," confidently delivered.

Yes, that statement is the one that I prepared. This isn't unusual after all.

"Did I cause that?" He asked so innocently.

"Y-yeah? Do you think not or do you not think?"

"Oh. Sorry for that. The door had reversed springs so it spontaneously opened. Did it hit you on the way? Sorry, you can leave your clothes to me and I'll get it washed." His voice softened so casually.

His reply leaves me in awe. It was not the answer I was expecting. That fluff statement shouldn't be involved with a person this brash.

"U-uhm." I couldn't stutter no more.  I think...I think this is one of his actions tricking me. Bet he doesn't know that I noticed it.

"Just fix the door and be careful next time," I said with a wicked motive. I continue walking down the hallway with my vintage aesthetic.

"Wait," he shouted, which made me pause, "Rijo...and you are!?"

"None of your business," sounded so dull and irritating. I still managed to keep a patient feeling.

"Okay none-of-your-business, nice to meet you." Even his jokes matched his personality. I didn't even pay a head turn to further see and hear him.

"You know that I'll know your name sooner or later..." his softened brash voice fainted.

With every step, there is a promise that this is the last time meeting him and the irritation he brings or if not, I'll prepare myself.


Siasai here, hope you're enjoying RFMIL so far!

I will really try to do the best for this novel, so read and relax!

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