C H A P T E R 3

268 9 4

Chao -Xing POV

I woke up from my nap felling a little groggy. My head started hurting for some reason. I look down and I saw the pups and bunnies playing on the ground. I took my camera and took a few pics.

I got up made my bed then walked to the bathroom. I washed the tired look off my face and just applied some hydrating cream. I lazily walk over to my bed grabbed my phone and exited my room, The pups followed behind so I went back and picked up Xia and Yuxi in my arms.

I was walking down the spiral steps when I heard voices, one voice sounding like him. no no it cant be..... could it. 

The voices suddenly died down when I reached the last few steps of the staircase. Everyone had turned to look at me and I felt a bit overwhelmed. my eyes roamed around when locked with the dark brown eyes that have been on my mind ever since that incident. I look down at his lips, they look really kissable. his jet black hair that I want to run my hands through.

Someone cleared their throat snapping me out of crazy fantasyland. I finish going down the stairs and the pups were still by my side, huh Is he their owner?.

Sicheng: se cheng, so cheng come here

They look him not moving, everyone looked weirded out even me. so he must be Lu si cheng. Wait a dang chocolate minute, the guy that saved me from falling and has been on my mind 24/7 is Lu si cheng aka chessman, the number one AD in e-sports and the most desired man in beijing. Okay girl calm down he's just a man 

he's a handsome man

shut up juju

oh come on don't get mad at me for saying our future husband is hot

You're really annoying


Fatty: why aren't they running to brother cheng

Sicheng: boys come here

The pups turn around and started jumping on me. I look at Lu sicheng and saw him looking at me with a cold look. I gulp hard trying to hide my nervousness. The pups started whimpering so I lowered myself so they can reach me. So cheng struggled to climb on my lap but eventually made it.

 He licked me two times and nuzzled his face in the crook of my neck then climbed off. Se cheng did the same then got off, I petted both their heads and they sprinted to lu si cheng who just glared at me.

Rui: since you're all here let me introduce you to the new ZGDX member Wang Chao-Xing.

Me: hello everyone

I was literally a  nervous wreck but I pulled myself together.

Ming: she will be replacing me as MID. hello chao-xing i'm Yu ming but you can call me ming

Me: hello nice to meet you

The rest  of the boys were either looking at me with a; shocked, cold, confused or weird facial expression. Not gonna lie it kinda made me feel a little uncomfortable.

Rui: why don't you guys introduce yourselves instead of staring at her

The chubby one came up to me with a smile, so I smiled back. He stretched out his hand for a handshake and I took it

Fatty: hello missy I'm fatty nice too meet you

Me: nice to meet you too

Mao: hello Lao mao at your service

He saluted me like a soldier making me giggle.

Me: at ease soldier, nice to meet you lieutenant lao mao

He chuckled and shook my hand

A guy slowly came up to me, he looked a little like lu si cheng maybe his brother. He looks at me up and down with a disgusted look. okay so you wanna play then let's play.

Yue: just because you won the secret challenge, and got chosen doesn't mean that you belong here. you are just a replacement for brother Ming and nothing else. You will never be apart of ZGDX. Just stay out of everyone's way, we don't need a fat busy body bimbo causing trouble for us.

Rui: Lu Yue!

Me: no brother rui it's okay all those things are what a spoiled.little.rich insecure.self absorbed. arrogant boy would say to make himself sleep at night. And the way you just insulted and body shamed me, shows me you have no respect for women and not a man

He came forward and slapped me, I felt a stinging feeling on my right cheek, I was now on the floor. I look up and saw everyone either looking at me with a worried look or at lu yue with a disappointed/ angry look.

Ming: Lu Yue what have you done!

brother Rui and fatty helped me up and I thanked them. I just noticed that I didn't have Xia and Yuxi in my arms. I look around and tried spotting them but nothing then I really start to worry

Me: Xia, Yuxi

I start looking around hoping to find them but nothing. I look in the kitchen, dining area, living room, gym, shoe cabinets and under the stations but nothing. My hands were on the tables I let out a frustrated sigh and ran my hand through my hair.

Rui: Chao-xing let's put some ice on your cheek, it's starting to swell up.

Fatty: then we can help you find your bunnies

Yue: why do you guys care about those stupid things

I walk up to him with my blood boiling in anger, I grab his shirt collar and pulled him down we were face to face

Me: listen here you insolent brat you better start praying that Xia and Yuxi turn up safe cause if they don't you will become my pet. Understood ?

I shakes his head as a yes and I let him go. I rushed upstairs to my room and took my white air forces in my hand then ran back downstairs. I grabbed my phone off the table and changed my shoes then left my slippers by the shoe cabinets. 

I stormed out of the base, switching on phone flashlight cause it was starting to get dark. I was searching along the road and in the bushes when I felt a hand on my shoulder, scaring the living crap out of me.

I turn around and saw.....................

(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)(❤ ω ❤)

So what do you think. honestly in y opinion it feels a bit boring

And what do you guys think about juju

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