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24 and almost out of college with my bachelors in psychology.
It's hard to believe how fast time has passed me by. I remember having a pretty cool time in high school, but I never wanted to stay there. I wanted to get out just like everybody else, but now that I've grown up? I'm clawing to get back to the acne and messy break ups.
Everyone now has to get drunk in order to have fun. Not that I'm a saint or anything but every once in a while I'd like to just play a board game or something. Poker is fun but usually turns into strip poker and sex. Cards are fun but there's usually betting.
Sometimes, I just wish I could go back to the "when I'm in college..." days. Yeah, those were pretty alright.
"Yo. Jenna. Babe, you okay?" Rick asks and I look to him before smiling and nodding.
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be fine?" I ask, sipping on my strawberry milkshake.
"Your bouncing both of your legs again." He smirks and I look down to my legs.
I've been officially diagnosed with a severe case of ADHD since I was eleven. My parents had me tested once I woke up outside. Apparently, I had sleep walked to the beach. Five miles from home.
"Yeah I'll just go for a run later or something." I tell him, waving it off.
"I know I've said this before but-"
"Don't start please." I cut my boyfriend off quickly and look up at him. He sighs and leans forward, taking my hand in his. "I just worry for you." He mumbles and I nod, taking my hand out of his.
"You and every other person I know." I fire at him once more. I don't need anyone's pity just because they're naturally lazy. Rick sighs and looks me over, going to say something, but a chair screeches up and I look over and grin.
"Rachel! How've you been!" I greet my friend and give her a huge hug.
"Hey Jenna, it's been a while." She grins and also gives Rick a hug and kiss.
I met Rachel Black freshman year. We were roommates. We had been the same with high school, both having pretty smooth rides and looking forward to starting college. Rachel is a neat freak so we had bonded over that and have been friends ever since.
"So, when are we heading out?" Rachel questions me. Last year I spent spring break with Rick so this year was girls year and Rick would go on a road trip with his boys.
I met Rick sophomore year in human studies. He was this loud ass hole who always strolled in half an hour late with his friend. Somehow, we started talking, then dating and we've been together for three years now.
"You're all packed?" Rick quizzes me and I smile and nod.
"Double checked and then rechecked." I finalize and they both smile at me.
"Alright then, let's get this show on the road." Rachel smiles widely and hops up. I look at Rick and he smirks back at me.
"Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock!" We say quickly. I throw up Spock but he slams me with Paper.
"Bill please!" He calls as I grumble and pout. Rick hands me a wink and his smirk widens as I grab my shake. Rick pays and entwines our fingers and we saunter out of the campus diner.
We're all pretty proud Washington State students. Rick's 29 and working on his masters in Chemistry, the one thing I detest. Rachel's an English major and also 24.
"Yo!!" I hear familiar shouting and I look over as Rick's friends walk up and they greet the three of us.
"We headin' out man?" Thomas asks and Rick nods.
"Yeah I just have to grab my stuff." Rick informs them.
"It's already in the van." Brian tells him. Rick and Brian are sharing an apparent off campus.
"Cool, where's the van?" Rick asks and takes my milkshake, making me whine.
"By Rachel's truck." Thomas tells us to my pleasant surprise.
"Then let's get going." I grin and take my milkshake back, bumping Rick lightly and he smiles down at me.
"How long is it gonna take to get to La Push?" I ask Rachel. I've only ever been there once before so I'm not completely sure how to get there.
"It'll take about six hours." She says and I nod.
"Make a pit stop half way?" I suggest and she snorts.
"Do you even have to ask?" She chuckles and I smile.
I've met her family once before, her father Billy, little brother Jacob, and her twin sister, Rabecca who now lives in Hawaii with her husband.
I don't think I could handle getting married at 24. I don't think I could handle getting married at all. I don't like the thought of having to stay in one house my whole life. And getting pregnant and staying home with kids. I wouldn't leave them with a nanny, that's cruel. I just won't have kids.
"Alright, I'll call you when we've hit our first stop." Rick says and I nod, wrapping my arms around his neck while his wrap around my waist.
"I'll pick up." I reply before giving him a long parting kiss.
"Bye." I whisper and he smiles.
"See you in a week." He winks before we jump in our spectate rides. His being a van and my own being a truck.
"You're driving?" Rachel asks hesitantly and I laugh wildly, putting the keys in the ignition as she puts on her seat belt.
"You drive like a maniac!!" She protests and I smirk at her.
"And you drive like a granny." I wink before spinning out of the parking space and burning rubber as I make my way off campus.

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