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At the sound of the sliding door I take a deep breath, rising from my half asleep state. I was more resting than sleeping but I'm too tired to open my eyes. I know Paul's back though, I'm not as stressed anymore.
"Jeez. I told you not to wait up." I hear his tired tone sigh out before a scorching, calloused hand runs over my face, pushing some hair back.
"I'm taking Emily to bed, you should take Jenna." I hear Sam before I'm lifted up like a princess and I hug Paul around his neck tightly. He chuckles and situated me so our chests are pressed together and my legs are wrapped around his waist. He holds me up by my thighs and I rest my head in the crook of his neck. I hear Sam chuckle and I could feel Paul smiling as he carries me up the stairs.
"You're safe." I slur out and his grip on my tightens. "I was worried." I yawn before snuggling into him. He sits down on the edge of my bed and I move my legs so I'm kneeling on either side of his lap and I push forward even though I couldn't knock him over if my life depended on it. He lays back anyway and rests his hands on my lower back as I hug myself tightly to him.
"Were you really this worried? I could hear your heart pounding from outside." He says quietly and I nod lazily.
"You're my most important person." I tell him and I could feel his grip tighten on me. I sit up on his lap, yawning and stretching before rubbing my eyes and looking to him as he sits up, leaning back on his hands as I sit straight.
"Are you going to school tomorrow?" I ask him, feeling a little more awake. He looks pretty tired. Paul nods and takes a deep breath, running a hand over his face.
"Yeah, I should get my homework done." He groans and I nod.
"Do you understand what's going on in class?" I ask and he nods.
"Yeah, which makes homework that much more annoying." He grumbles before standing up, holding me up by my bent legs before walking around and tucking me in, taking my slippers off and kissing the top of my head. I snuggle into the cold bed and listen to him look through his papers.
"What the..." He mumbles, finding his homework complete.
"I thought I would've remembered more of that crap." I yawn. "Took me forever." I grumble before the bed dips and I roll over as Paul envelopes me in his arms.
"How can you be so perfect." He breathes out and I smile, planting a pepper kiss on his chest before hugging my chilled body to his ever steaming chest.
"Get some sleep, and wake me up when you do, I'll make breakfast." I tell him and he plants a kiss on my forehead before knocking out and I'm soon to follow.

"Hey, Nico. Wake up babe." Paul gently nudged me and I shoot up, startling him. I look all around before relaxing, running my hands down my face.
"What's wrong? Was it a nightmare?" He asks in a panicked tone.
"N-No I just... I'm not used to sleeping..." I mumble and he rubs my back before planting a kiss on the back of my neck. Excited shivers run down my back as I close my eyes and clench my jaw. He has to eat and get to school, not waste time and be late.
Clearing my throat, I jump up and slip into my slippers before facing a smirking Paul. I raise a challenging eyebrow at him before glaring a little and marching out of the door. Just before I could get to the stairs, I'm picked up and carried back to the room in three long strides. The door bangs shut and I was about to shout but Paul's lips smash against my own. I whine but I guess it came out more like a moan because Paul picks me up and crashes into the bed with me. Despite my strongest resistance, I wrap my legs around his waste and ball his shorts into my fists and pull his hips into my own. He growls and I tap his shoulder so he rolls us over so I'm on top. I grind into him and bite his bottom lip before trailing up his jaw with little love bites. So much for not being late.

In This Life ○ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now