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I jog out of the forest, slugging to Billy's house and collapsing onto the cold ground by the steps, my chest heaving and my heart beating a mile a minute. I could feel the sweat pouring down my body and the stray strands of hair cling to my neck and face. I try taking deep breaths but it wasn't working so I just let myself pant. I close my eyes, throwing my arm over them to try and calm myself down from the world.
"Jen?" I hear and I shoot up, looking around before spinning to see him with Rachel.
"Rick?" I breathe out.
"What-What're you doing-here?" I pant out as he takes my hand and helps me up.
"I'm here to apologize." He tells me and I look him over before resting my hands on my knees and steadying my breathing.
"You've been running this whole time? What else have you done?" Rick asks as I take a final deep breath.
"Work." I reply, standing up fully.
"Where are your friends?" I ask, looking all around.
"Seattle. They're picking me up tomorrow morning." He tells me and I nod.
"And that's okay with Mr. Black?" I ask and look to Rachel who nods and also walks up.
"Hey, get dressed and showered, we'll introduce Rick to Emily and Sam." Rachel smiles, Rick's heard about them too. "Oh! And Paul." Rachel smirks with a chuckle.
"Paul? Who's Paul?" Rick replies immediately, making me chuckle a little.
"A kid on the res." I tell him and he nods, looking me over.
"Yeah, who never shuts the hell up about you. He's got the hugest crush on Jenna." Rachel adds fuel to the fire and I shoot her a serious look.
"How old's this kid?" Rick asks, puffing up. That's a man's way of getting ready for a fight.
"He's seventeen, will you calm down? You really think I'd go for a kid?" I shoot at him, raising my eyebrow in a challenging manner. He deflates and looks me over.
"I still want to meet him." He tell me and I resist the urge to roll my eyes, instead, I smile and kiss him.
"Let me just change and shower." I reply, not bothering to look at Rachel.
I take a deep breath as Rachel bursts through the doors and starts talking with everyone. I grab Rick who's been a gym junkie most of his life by the arm and he stops and looks at me.
"Just... behave okay?" And despite his huge muscles, I can't help but feel like every guy in that house can squash him like a bug.
"Fine." He sighs and draws an "x" over his heart. I nod and knock on the door, hearing a series of chuckles from within the home.
"Come on in Jenna!!" Emily calls and I nod a little, opening the door and Rick follows me in. I glance at him, having this disgusting and uncomfortable feeling of embarrassment and shame bubbling inside of me like tar.
"You don't have to knock every time Jenna, you can just walk in." Emily chuckles as we finally make it to the living room and all eyes are on the man behind me. On Rick.
"Em, this is who I've told you about. Rick, Jenna's boyfriend." Rachel smiles but I couldn't bring myself to feel happy like I used to when I introduced Rick. I felt like I was made of lead. I felt like I could wipe this disgusting feeling off of my skin if I could only move.
A couple eyes shift to Paul, confirming Rachel's assumptions for the boy's feelings for me. It just makes me feel even worse. I don't want them to know about Rick. I feel like I'm doing something wrong by being with him. I can't even look at Paul.
"Ah, Rick. It's nice to meet you." Emily smiles but I could tell everyone wasn't too pleased to meet him. I look to Rick who smiles kindly and shakes her hand.
"Sam." Sam says in a deep, unwelcoming voice, just like he had treated me when we first met. I take second look at everyone and their body language was very unwelcoming. They are sand-offish and cold. They don't want him to be here.
"Now that you've all met, why don't we go catch up with the guys?" I chuckle, clapping my hands together. I could feel Paul's eyes glaring holes into my head but I couldn't look to him.
"I didn't catch your name." Rick ignores me, making my face turn red in embarrassment as he sticks his hand out to Paul.
"I'm Paul. Paul Lahote." He replies in a quiet, almost defeated tone.
"I'll wait outside." I say quickly and go to leave but Rick grabs my arm. I yank it out of his grip and continue outside, feeling stupid and pathetic.
I take a long, deep breath before shaking out my hands and cracking my neck. I hear the door open and I narrow my eyes at Rachel and Rick.
"You are unbelievable. If you ever embarrass me like that again, there will be hell to pay." I growl at him and it wasn't even a low tone to my voice, it was a growl.
"Calm down babe, I was just-"
"Don't! Don't call me babe." I fume at him.
"I was just making my property line clear-"
"I am not an object for you to claim!!" I scream at him.
"Oh, stop screaming, you're being ridiculous." He sighs as if I'm the biggest burden to him. I ended up quieting down in pure rage.
"Now was that so hard?" He talks to me like a child.
"Harder than it was for you to sleep with that slut." I shoot at him, my voice wavering at the end. He stops talking but the nervous smile spreads to him face every time he lies to me. He huffs and stands up straighter, resting his hands on his hips and he looks off to the left.
"Don't. You looked to left." I tell him with a shaking voice. "And you put on that stupid smile like it's all in my head." I say through clenched teeth.
"I don't need this. I swear to god I don't need this." He gets angry and defensive. Which means he'll probably get violent like he does with his friends.
"Then leave." I tell him, lifting my head, he pauses momentarily.
"Fine, I'll just meet up with-"
"No, leave me, Rick." I clarify and he pauses, looking to me.
"What'd you just say to me?" He asks.
"I've had enough of this Rick." I tell him, Paul's words reverberating through my head. What a time to think of the high schooler.
"If it's because of that punk kid, I'll-"
"This isn't about Paul, this is about me! I'm tired of you taking me for granted! I'm not just gonna be that stupid girl that hangs around for you to come back to me after banging anything with a vagina!!" I scream in his face and his eyes flare and he raises his hand, going to slap me but the impact never comes. I look back to where I had turned away to see Sam gripping Rick's wrist.
"You heard Jenna. It's time for you to leave." Sam says strongly.
"We're not done here." Rick says and yanks his wrist out of Sam's grip.
"Yes we are." I finalize and Rick's eyes harden.
"Come on Jenna, just-"
"Don't talk to me right now Rachel." I growl out, pointing an accusing finger at her.
"Get him the hell out of here." My voice shakes to her and my body starts shaking, making Rick laugh.
"Look at you, you ADHD freak. Who the hell would love someone who couldn't sit still!" Rick spits in my face as my eyes gloss over.
"Hey, let's just all-"
"Shut up Rachel." I breathe out, shaking my head as I turn to walk away.
"Gonna go run for what!? Five hours!?"
"Hey! That's enough!" Sam's livid tone cuts Rick off.
"Paul! Don't!!" Sam shouts and I spin around to see everyone trying to hold Paul back from pummeling Rick. The adrenaline in my system kicks in and shoots into my heart so painfully, I couldn't even scream. My heart beats so fast in my chest, I hear it stop. My vision goes black and then my hearing goes.

In This Life ○ Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now