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Hi, I'm Emma. I'm 17 years old, and go to Venice High School. All of the girls there are pretty and are all smart. Actually our school is the smartest in the district. Anyways my best friends are Bella, Nicole, Sailor, Maggie, and Victoria. We are one of the "Popular" groups, if you want to say that. We never do anything without each other. And we don't really have any other friends that we hang out with, outside of school. The 6 of us have been to over 20 concerts together, and have loved every single one of them. Most of the concerts have been to my boyfriend Austin's. Austin Mahone is my boyfriend. He is one of the sweetest guys out there, but he flirts with all of his fans and other models, and I do get jealous easily. I do like him a lot boy I want to break up, but I don't want my name being plastered all over magazines and on the news, espicially I don't want any hate on my Instagram and Twitter. Anyways I like someone else. Okay, enough with that. Well I live with my uncle Mark because my Mom & Dad drowned when their boat sunk lasts summer. I miss them everyday, and think about them non-stop. But I right to them once a week, and put each of the letters in an individual bottle and throw it in the ocean. It basically is a letter in a bottle. Well, I also have 2 dogs, Luna and Sandy. They are my everything and I can't think of my life without them. I have my own job, as a model, for Hollister. It's an intense job, and i have to wear those bikinis, but we take a lot of the modeling pictures right outside my house on the beach, so that's easy. Also I have a photo shoot once a month, and a meeting once a week, like with my managers and other models. My friends also are models for Hollister too, which makes my job 20 times as fun. And we get paid $5,000 a week, which is awesome. But since I get paid so much, I have to pay for my car every month. Also, since I get free clothes from Hollister, I buy my own shoes, jewelry, makeup, and extra clothes, not from Hollister. I am the smallest girl in twelfth grade, I have beach blonde hair, and I have blue eyes. As my friend Sailor says "And, though she be but little she is fierce"~W. Shakespeare

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