Chapter 1

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Four's POV:

Ever since BFB ended... I want to examine the contestants more, but physically examine them.. But I don't know who to start with.

I look around and see Taco lying down on the ground. "Jackpot!" I say, under my breathe. I grab a rag with chloroform and ran to Taco, putting the rag over her mouth. She falls unconscious, that's great. My plan will begin here...


This will be the biggest project I have ever done...

Taco's POV:

I woke up in.. A TUBE?! this isn't goiky.. I feel my heart beating faster over my fear. I squint my eyes to see better, and I see Four.? What is he doing?.

"Oh, your awake." Four said, smirking at me.. Evilly..

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING.?!" I shout, but i could barely hear my voice. What is he even planning?...

"I just want to examine some people, thats all!" He said, still smiling evilly.

He letted me out of the tube. As I left the tube, felt a needle, hitting my noodle arm. I yelp in pain. Then fall to the floor, feeling bad. What's going on?! Why am I first?! Why not someone but me?! Thoughts race over my mind, I look up, seeing Four with an orange needle in his hand. Did he hit me with that?.

"Oh Taco, just wait when the needle kicks in tonight.." Four said with a serious face. He picked me up and took me to a room, throwing me inside. Then locking the door?! I get up, holding a wall for help. I bang the door with my hands, nothing. I give up. This is my life now. Noone will find me...

Blocky's POV:

I HAVE BEEN SEARCHING EVERYWHERE, WHERE COULD SHE BE?! I sit down, holding my head with my hands. It's been a day now, Taco still hasn't been back. I look at my phone for messages, nothing. I decide to call her.




Someone picks up the phone?

"Taco is currently busy, contact her never." A familiar voice said, then closing the phone. I sat there in shock. Was that Four?! I mean he is a psychopath but that? Something is clearly up.

I just wish Taco is okay right now...

(Hello lovelies, how was this chapter? And this was based on roblox role-plays I had with my friends! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! ♡


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