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"It's some kind of tracker."

"It's Donatello. Let's go save my brothers." Raphael grabs the other's weapons and places them in the holsters on his shell. I grab the medkit and shove it in my recovered bag, along with my skateboard.

"April, call Vern. We need a ride." April nods and uses the pay phone.

"Look, Vern, I need you to meet me. At Cortlandt Alley in ten minutes, please." pause. "I can't talk to you about it on the phone, just promise you're gonna be there." she hangs up the phone and nods at me.

"Let's go, Raphael." I turn around. "Raphael, he'll be okay, I promise. I did the best I could, I know as long as he stays still, those stitches will stay in place." I pat his arm and he follows silently behind me.

We see Vern's van and April walks to him first. I signal Raph to come up after me and I grab one of his fingers, dragging him behind me. I usher him silently into the back of the van and shut the doors after climbing in behind him.

"You want to spend more time with me. I get it, I would too."

"We need to get to the Sacks estate right now, Vern. Come on!" I look at Raph with a disgusted look. I pretend to gag and he silently chuckles, rolling his eyes.

"That's what I'm talking about, O'Neil. "The Sacks estate with the vigilante-"

Raph pushes my head down and leans in between Vern and April. "Drive!"

"Way to go, Raph, I think you scared him." I laugh.

"You're a talking turtle."

"Yeah, yeah, I'm a talking turtle and you're a human nerd. Now that we got that out of the way, hit it."

"Vern, the gas pedal is on the right, if you can't, I'll drive." I climb into the front and unbuckle Vern's seatbelt, pushing him into the back with Raphael. "He's not that intimidating. Raphael, be nice to him."
I buckle my seatbelt and put the van in "drive", zooming out of the alley.

"I've never been accused of being a nerd before. But- I'm sorry, how did you get in- how did he get in the-"

"I let him in, now sit down. The last thing I need is to get pulled over."

"What? Why?"

"Don't have a license on me."

"Why not?"

"Because I failed the test," I say, stopping at a red light.


"So what, I lied, I haven't gone to take another test yet, you'll live, April. I mean, as long as you guys act chill," I roll my eyes and begin driving again. As we pull closer to the estate, I snap. "Vern, please! I can't focus when you're yapping! Everyone shut up!"

"Excuse me-"

"Illegal driving here, don't distract me!"

"Ram the gate," Raph says, leaning forward again.

"You got it!"

"What?! No- insurance, insurance!"

"Just hope you have it!" I ram the van into the gate and the van halts to a stop. We all climb out and I chuckle.


"Follow me!" Rushing behind after Raphael, we find the containment tanks that the other three were in.

"Hey, get out of here!" Raphael knocks out the Foot soldier and we both step over to the tanks.

"Oh my god!"

"Leo!" I look at all of them, then at a monitor outside of the tanks.

"About time..." Mikey trails off.

"They're all exhausted... they're losing blood fast... I-I don't know- they need energy but EPI Pens wouldn't work, hell, I don't even have any in the first place- uhm- April I- I don't know what to do!" Raphael tries breaking one of the cages, only for it to repent him.
"Donnie, what do I do!?"

"Adrenaline..." I press my ear to the glass. "Adrenaline."

I rush back to the monitor. "April, you get Mikey, I got Leo and Donnie! Tap that grey button on the screen! They're adrenaline boosters!"

Raphael was left to fight Shredder, but he was being beaten. He was losing. "That's harsh, man."

"Mikey, Donnie, Leo, you guys, you'll be okay! Here, APRIL HURRY!" I begin tapping both screens like crazy while April gets Mikey's.

"GET UP," we shout together. "We need to move!" The three brothers breathe frantically while they all jump out of the cages.

"OH! I feel really good, right now! I feel like running!"

"I feel like cleaning the dojo! Who wants to clean the dojo?! I'll clean the dojo!"

"Endorphins! Endorphins!"

"We got to get Raph! Raph!"

"Raph! Are you okay? Are you dead? Are you okay?"

"Come on! Come on!" We all follow Vern to the lot where a multitude of vehicles were parked.
Word Count: 788

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