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"Mikey, flank right! Donnie, on me! We gotta go! Go, go!" They all rush around, but Splinter warns them.

"No! Get back!"

"Donnie! Engage!" a loud explosion goes off and I am tossed against a wall. We all get up but I am tackeld down by a Foot Clan member. I grab my weapon and stab it into his shoulder. I knee his groin area and flip him off me. I grab my weapon from his shoulder and jab it into his chest. The man falls to the ground and I run after Raph.

A bunch of Foot Clan soldiers began shooting him with tranquilizer darts and he shouts. I knock a few unconsious but I am knocked to the ground by another. I twist my ankles around another's legs and uncross them, making him fall. I hit him on the head with the blunt end of my weapon, knocking him unconsious. Raph rushes over to us and knocks the final guy into the wall, causing the ceiling to collapse.
Before I am hit, Raph grabs me and pushes me to the floor, hovering over me as his shell blocks the debris. "Raph!"
Raph laid there, practically unconscious. He panted as the debris weighed down on him. "Raph, stay awake! It's okay, you got this!" He chuckled but his arms began to buckle.
His eyes closed but I lightly hit his face repeatedly. "Raph, Raphael, stay awake, you can do it, stay awake." Then, an idea came to me. 'I'm good at being annoying, so, I'll be annoying to keep him awake!'

"This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends, some people started signin' it not knowing what it was-"

I heard more explosions and more debris fell on top of him. I held his head under my arms and then, everything went silent.
Raphael stands up, holding me up so nothing falls on top of me. "Thank you, Raph. We have to find the others, c'mon," I say.

"You're really annoying, yknow that?"

As we spot April, she is trying to dig someone out of the rubble. Raphael pants and rushes off, chucking rocks. "Sensei, Master. Let's get him into the other room!"

Hearing Raphael, I rush over to it and clear the platform. I grab a cushion for Splinter's head and lay it down. Raphael lays him down and April grabs the med kit. "Anyone know first aid?"

"Just the basics-"

"Go for it!" I grab a pair of gloves and grab little bits of debris from Splinter's side.

"Someone give me a rag or something to put pressure on this!" April dashes away and brings back the pillowcase that she had over her head when we were brought in. "Thanks," I snatch it from her and press down on Splinter's side. "Here, prep that needle, I have to stitch it closed, he'll lose too much blood if I don't!" I looked up and no one touched it.

"Fine, I'll do it! Raph, put pressure on that, now! April, sterilyze your hands, I need your help!"

"With what?!" I grab the hand sanitizer from the kit and throw it at her.

"Make sure there's at last 60% alcohol!" I thread the needle and usher Raph to move. "Just scoot over a little, please. April, clean the wound, use that water bottle. Sorry in advance, Splinter." April pours some of the water into her hands and then pours what was in her hands on the wound. Splinter groans. "This is going to hurt, I don't have anything to numb it. Raph, check his pulse!" He holds his hands up.

"How the hell do I do that?"

"Nevermind, just put that rag on his forehead! Put some clean water on it, first. His temperature needs to stabalize. He needs to cool down." I begin making the sutures on Splinter's torso.

"Okay, this is definitely not my best work. I've never done this before, and on a mutant rat, no less, I mean no offense in that, Splinter. They took Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Donatello, we have to go after them."

"Raphael," he breathes out.

"I'm here."

"You must save your brothers. Stop Shredder."

"Yes, Sensei," Raph pants out. An alarm begins blaring and April rushes to Donnie's technology.

"Splinter, I'm sorry if it hurts more, I did my best, I've only done what I learned from first aid in 10th-"

"You did alright, YN. Now, go help them. If they get injured, I'm sure you could help them."
Word Count: 754

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