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2) Duties

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2) Duties


Kanao regains her full strength after a week and immediately aids Yushiro in producing medicines and painkillers at her deceased master's lab. She also tends to the patients with the help of Aoi, Nezuko and the children from time to time.

The work she does everyday is repetitive yet rewarding especially when she sees her fellow slayers becoming better and thus, the only rest she could allow herself is when she needs to sleep.

After being made aware of her fallen comrades, she decided to shut her heart in the mean time, at least until her tasks have concluded. Kanao was known to be hard on herself but it was at this moment that nobody could approach her for it due to her fiery resolve of restoring everyone to full health.

She has to care for those who are actually living and trying their best to be back in shape. This is what Shinobu would've done if she was alive instead.

And is what her master prepared her for.

"That's enough." Yushiro sighs whose eyes were still on the compound microscope, observing a substance on a molecular level. His sudden voice after hours of silence caught Kanao's attention who is holding a beaker.

"You helped me enough today so, see you again tomorrow."

Kanao grew confused. It was because she is aware of her daily quota and wonders why it is cut short today. What if there will be medical shortage?

Yushiro held himself from groaning and finally looked at her, his rough expression had lifted for a bit. His cat leaped from his shoulders and made its way to Kanao's legs, rubbing itself on her.

"I know what you're thinking but Chachamaru will cover for you because I decided to let you take the afternoon off." He continues with his arms on his chest.

"What's with the sudden decision? I'm perfectly fine." Kanao knelt down and picked up Chachamaru. She knew this cat is a demon but could it really fulfill her duties?

"Your friends talked me down and I realized that they're right. D-dont get me wrong! I'm still gonna work your ass off tomorrow.. Nezuko and that Aoi girl were persistent and it annoyed me to the core."

She tilts her head, wondering if something happened. Her mind starts to race off countless possibilities which took a long pause, not noticing how Yushiro and her have been staring for the last seconds.

A bulging nerve appears on the demon boy's temple, "Dammit! Just go before I change my mind!"

After being kicked out of the laboratory, the girl couldn't do anything but change her lab coat to her usual haori in her room. For the first time, she felt out of place in her own quarters as she doesn't usually spend her time here during the day.

She sits on top of the covers and took a deep breath.

She did it again, and again.

Until as she expected, reached her limit.

Kanao begins to breathe heavily, palpitating. Her mind begins to swim with miserable thoughts she's been burying all this time. Sweat were starting to form on her temples and it didn't take long for herself to feel uneasy, searching for something in her room.

Searching to do anything that can calm her down.

Another reason as to why she is digging herself to work is because of this. She realized how she couldn't be left with herself and her own thoughts.

Kanao heard footsteps gradually becoming closer to her room. There was no way she could let herself be seen in this state.

"Kanao-saaan!" A grinning Nezuko came by the door , "Oh! Am I interrupting you?" She continued, hand scratching her head when she saw Kanao's sweating face, while doing hard squats.

"N-not at all." She huffed, continuing her improvised sets.

"Wow, you seem very determined! That's great! I guess we were just too worried to plead Yushiro-kun like that.. I hope you're not upset about it?"

Kanao quickly stops and reaches for a towel on her bedside table, "No, I'm not.. I-I guess I needed this myself."

Nezuko sighs in relief and flashed a grin that was almost identical to her brother's, "Riightt? I appreciate Yushiro-kun's help to us but working with him seems like trouble! It amazes me how you could keep up with him.."

"He's... " Kanao thinks of the right word as she wipes her face, "..Bearable." She continued which only made Nezuko frown.

"Ah to hell with that guy, come with me!" She took Kanao's hand, catching her off guard while the girl just giddily leads the way outside of her room.

It turns out that they arranged a relaxing picnic at the backyard garden. Specifically, just the girls. They deserved it after weeks of hard work, making former Kakushis watch the patients in their stead.

Kanao observed as Aoi looked from both sides of her shoulder, taking out the snacks from the basket with caution. Nezuko and the children have seated alongside them under a fabric, rustles of grass everytime they move.

"Why're you moving like someone's gonna take them?" Naho pouts and Aoi clicked her tongue, "That's because there IS a food thief among us. Geez! Can't even sleep with my eyes closed."

"Are you talking about Inosuke-kun?" Nezuko laughs, sympathizing on her friend who must've had a hard time.

"That Boarhead! When he woke up, I swear food becomes missing every time I don't look! He's the most possible culprit aside from ghosts."

"I-Isn't that still a fifty-fifty chance?" Kiyo shivers at the thought.

Kanao's orbs lit up, "Inosuke-kun woke up?"

"He did 2 days ago. Didn't we tell you about this?" Sumi puts both hands on her waist. This surprised Kanao and everyone looked at her, a worried expression becoming apparent on their faces. Nezuko scooted closer to caress her back,

"Works been rough, huh?"

The afternoon continued with them mostly ranting about Yushiro and his rude demeanor, catching up and eating the snacks that was prepared by Aoi. It honestly lifted Kanao's mood by being with her friends, just laughing and talking about anything. It made her forget about her internal problems too.

When sunset came, they started cleaning after themselves.

"Oh, I can handle this! Can you check by the pond instead? Haven't really fed the fishes yet."

And so, Kanao heads to the said pond with a bag full of fish food.

She stopped her tracks when she felt a presence nearby and looked to find Sanemi sitting at the other end of the wooden bridge, his patient clothes still on.



A/N: be patient guys, tanjiro will finally appear in the next chapter. just treat this like a calm before the storm, stay tuned!

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