The Newcomer

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The  S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters hummed with activity as agents hurried through the corridors. Maria Hill, an agent, and lieutenant of Nick Fury, walked towards the conference room. She was about to attend a top-secret conference.

As she entered the room, her gaze swept across the gathered individuals until it settled on an unfamiliar woman standing confidently, her striking green eyes capturing Maria's attention. 

Before Maria could say something Nick Fury stepped forward and introduced the woman. "Maria, I'd like you to meet Hope Van Dyne, the Wasp."

Maria nodded politely, her eyes briefly glancing over Hope's features. Maria couldn't deny that that woman was PRETTY.

 "Nice to meet you, Van Dyne," Maria said trying to keep a neutral tone. 

Hope met Maria's eyes her expression cold and uninterested. 

"Nice to meet you too," Hope replied, although  Maria doubted her sincerity. 

Both of them went to their seats and the room fell into a peaceful silence as Nick Fury stepped forward, commanding everyone's attention. 

He outlined the purpose of the meeting, a critical mission about an unknown artifact that had fallen from the sky a few days earlier.

"The artifact has the shape of a hammer, while the exact source of it remains unknown, we believe that it might be extra-terrestrial, in simple terms, from a different planet, " Fury explained. 

"Agents, the hammer's danger must not be underestimated, it seems to be stuck to the ground by an unknown force, we will need to inspect the hammer and its heritage," Fury declared, his voice filled with determination. "Furthermore we want the presence of this artifact to remain unknown to the world and therefore expect your full cooperation."

As Fury delved into the specifics of the mission, Maria's skepticism grew.  Fury's words echoed in her mind, a hammer that had fallen from the middle of the sky. What could it mean?

As the meeting concluded, Agents began to disperse as Maria approached Fury, her voice low and measured.

"Fury, I understand the importance of this mission, " Maria said, her gaze steady. "However I can't help but have concerns about Van Dyne's inclusion. I hope you're certain that she can be trusted."

Fury regarded Maria with a knowing look, his voice filled with a hint of reassurance. "Maria, I have seen what Hope is capable of. Plus I know her father personally. Hank Pym, has helped Shield a lot back in the day. I know it's not common for a newcomer to have been let into such important missions, but I need you to trust my decision."

Maria nodded feeling a pang of envy. She had spent her first month at Shield doing paperwork. What does this woman have that she didn't? 

Just when she was about to leave the room Fury called her name.

"Maria, I have a special favor to ask of you," he said after she turned around.

"Sure, what can I do?"

"I know I said that Hope is classified for this mission, but I would still appreciate it if you could train her. You are one of our best agents."


In the following weeks, Maria and Hope found themselves engrossed in intense training sessions.  As they sparred and practiced combat techniques, a sense of competitiveness began to brew between them. 

One afternoon during a particularly tiring training session, the atmosphere crackled with tension. Maria and Hope were locked in a heated sparring match, each displaying their skills. Every punch and kick was executed with precision and determination.

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