Pretty Beta Boy.

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After Felix's parents reactions, any other response seems easy in comparison. Even Changbin's parents' disappointed faces and sighs when they'd told them were manageable. It's not like Felix expected them to be happy about it.

You'd think with the burden of announcing his pregnancy off of his shoulders, Felix would be a lot more relaxed. However, life has never been that kind to Felix and he, of course, can't have a leisurely life. He's just returned from work at the bakery- his part-time job while he studies, and Changbin asked him a question that immediately upset the younger.

"Have you started looking for a new place yet?" He doesn't know why the question upset him so much. Maybe it was the reminder of the stress of having to move in a few short weeks, or just the fact that it was the alpha who was asking it, but immediately his nerves were shot.

"I've browsed a bit." Felix responds as he fills their electric kettle with water and turns it on. He's about to make a cup of ramen, the only real sustenance he's had today.

"Do you think you'll get a roommate? It's May already, so you should start seriously looking for one, if so" it's like he's nagging Felix, reminding him of the things he already knows. He is fully aware that he will be homeless next month and he doesn't need for Changbin to constantly remind him.

"I can't afford the deposit without a roommate. I don't have much saved up." Felix explains and as he says this, he feels embarrassed and anxious. He's embarrassed because he wishes he were responsible enough to save up money, and he's anxious because he has no money saved up. Changbin nods with a hum.

"Why not just ask your parents to pay the deposit?" He asks and Felix doesn't respond for a moment. Agitation bleeds into his psyche as he tries to busy himself with searching for their ramen cups. "Your parents wouldn't mind, right?" The alpha asks curiously and Felix sighs.

"Where are the ramen cups?" Felix asks, changing the subject. He doesn't want to start an argument with Changbin, but he thinks that sometimes the older is extremely entitled. Just because his family can afford to pay his deposit for him, doesn't mean Felix's can. Even if they could, who is he to assume they would? They're already angry with him for getting pregnant and want him to move back home.

"Oh, I'm pretty sure I ate the last one, actually" Changbin muses casually and Felix bites his tongue to keep from yelling at the older. He unintentionally closes the kitchen cabinet he was just looking through a bit loudly, he cringes at the sound but doesn't apologize. He closes his eyes with a deep breath, "It's just ramen, Yongbok-ah. I can get more" the older seems to have picked up on Felix's nerves and that comment is enough to send Felix into a hunger-induced rage.

"It's not just ramen, Changbin! You just don't understand anything." Felix snaps and he's continuing his rant before Changbin can even think of a reply. "My parents won't pay for my deposit because they don't want me living here anymore. They want me to move back to Australia, but I can't because you're here and my life is here. Not everyone can be as privileged as you to have understanding rich parents. You're seriously deluded, hyung" he doesn't raise his voice but his tone holds a bite to it that makes Changbin recoil.

"Deluded is a strong word" Changbin responds and it's like everything Felix just said has gone over his head. Felix just shakes his head and silently goes to put his shoes on by the door. "You're leaving?" The alpha asks and Felix lets out a deep sigh.

"I'm just going to the convenience store. I'm hungry." He replies before he's walking out of the house with just his wallet and his phone. He does feel tears prick at his eyes as he walks but he tries to remain strong. He's been crying a lot nowadays.

He's browsing the selection of instant meals in the nearby convenience store, a large paper cup of spicy ramen in his hand, when someone approaches him. They tap his shoulder softly without announcing themselves and he jumps and clutches the ramen to his chest in shock.

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