First Holdiay.

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"Is our little puppy awake?" Changbin's mother calls gently as she peeks into Changbin's childhood room. Felix, Changbin, and Nabi all spent Christmas Eve night at Changbin's parents' house and it is now Christmas morning.

"She's on the nipple right now" Changbin responds from his spot on the floor. The alpha is barely awake, with his face still swollen and his curly black hair mussed up. He'd given Felix and Nabi the bed and slept on a cushion with blankets and a pillow.

"Okay, I've made breakfast so whenever you two are ready, come down so we can eat and open presents." She tells them before leaving them alone.

"You don't think they got me anything, right? All I got them were a pair of slippers and a cutting board." Felix asks as he unconsciously strokes Nabi's hair as she nurses.

"Yeah, they definitely got you something, but most of it is for Nabi anyways." Changbin looks up from the floor to look at the omega, who's frowning. "Don't worry about it, Lix. They don't care. I told you they love you." He comforts the younger.

"No, I know. I just hope they didn't spend a lot of money on me. I'm okay with them spoiling Nabi because she's their only grandchild, but for me, it's a bit awkward." The omega confesses and Changbin nods in understanding. "Can you hand me my pump, please? My shirt's getting wet." Felix sighs as he feels the letdown from his nipple that Nabi isn't on. Changbin gets up and retrieves it from Felix's bag before handing it to him and sitting on the bed.

"You know you constantly smell like milk now? You can barely smell your old scent." Changbin comments as Felix nurses their daughter. The omega can't help but furrow his brows at the comment.

"Really? I thought it was just in my head. That's embarrassing." Felix chuckles and the alpha shakes his head.

"Nah, it probably turns all the alphas around you on. You smell, like, really... um, fertile?" Changbin says and Felix can't help but grimace in question. "Not to me. I meant to other alphas! I would never- I- it's-" the alpha stammers out, making Felix laugh.

"Just stop while you're ahead, big guy." The omega jokes as he looks down at Nabi. She's stopped suckling and is now just staring at Felix with his nipple in her mouth, he chuckles. "What ya looking at, little girl?" He teases and lifts her up to start burping her.

They head into the kitchen with Changbin carrying Nabi and Felix following closely behind. Changbin's parents made a full meal and set the table.

"Changbinnie, let me get her so that you can eat." Changbin's mother says and holds her hands out for Nabi.

"It's okay, Eomma. You can eat, I'll make it work." The alpha shakes his head and his mom frowns. "Ah, okay. Nevermind, here you go." He laughs when he realizes his mom just wanted to hold her granddaughter.

"My little puppy, come to Halmeoni." She says as she takes the baby. Nabi is looking around interestedly until Changbin's mom places a big kiss onto her cheek, making the baby turn towards her. "Hello!" She greets her happily and Nabi breaks out into a grin. "Aigoo~" she coos and strokes Nabi's hair as everyone sits down for breakfast.

Once breakfast is done, they move to the living room where there are presents piled under the tree. Most of them have Nabi's name on them, which isn't a surprise. A few have Felix's name on them as well, most notably a necklace. It's a simple and dainty necklace with both his and Nabi's birthstones attached to a white gold chain. He doesn't even want to ask how much it costed them. Changbin's dad also hands him a Christmas card with money in it. Felix starts to refuse but they don't let him argue before they're urging him to open another gift for his daughter. Nabi receives lots of toys and clothes. Changbin's sister got her a gold bracelet that she probably won't fit in the next couple of months, but Felix decides once she grows out of it, that he'll tape it into her baby book.

After all of the gifts are opened, Felix relaxes on the couch as he watches Changbin's family play with Nabi. Changbin's father is holding the baby in his lap looking down at her and talking animatedly, with Changbin's sister standing behind him recording the interaction.

"Can our Nabi-ya give Harabeoji a smile? Can I see that pretty smile, please?" Changbin's father coos and Nabi- always being a little celebrity, gives him exactly what he wants. Her lips curl upwards and her big eyes form chubby crescents as everyone coos at her. "You've just made my day, Nabi-ya! You know that?" He gushes as he places a kiss to the baby's forehead.

"Appa, if you make a howling noise, she might imitate you. Watch." Changbin says as he leans into Nabi's field of vision. Big brown eyes fixate on the alpha and he smiles at her adoringly before he starts to howl loudly. Nabi's eyes widen and she jumps in shock. "Oops, I'm sorry. I won't be that loud again." He apologizes to his daughter sheepishly as she stares at him like he'd grown a second head.

As Felix watches them play, his phone vibrates with a phone call. He checks the caller ID and sees it's a video call from Hyunjin. He steps away to answer it.

"Hey," Felix greets his boyfriend, "How's it going?" He asks as he steps into Changbin's room.

"Merry Christmas! It's going good. My dads asked about you and Nabi-ya. Speaking of, where is she? I want to tell her Merry Christmas!" Hyunjin exclaims and Felix chuckles.

"Merry Christmas, love. Nabi's in the living room with hyung and his parents. They're teaching her to howl, apparently." The omega shrugs with a humored grin.

"Oh, well, are you enjoying yourself?" Hyunjin asks and Felix nods.

"Yeah, we had a nice breakfast and then we opened presents. Changbin-hyung's mom got me a really pretty necklace." The brunette explains.

"That's good. We didn't do presents this year, but I do wish you were here. I really want you to meet my dads, and they really want to meet you." Hyunjin responds and Felix agrees.

"Yeah, I would love to meet them. Maybe sometime soon?... I would really like to take Nabi to go meet my parents in Sydney. Maybe after graduation? I don't know." Felix sighs as he starts to feel a bit disappointed, thinking of his family. They've still yet to meet Nabi in person, but they do video call to see her often. He wanted them to be able to dote on her the same way Changbin's family could though.

"Yeah, that sounds good, love. We should plan it as your graduation vacation before you start looking for a new job. Nabi, you, and I can all fly to Sydney to see them." Hyunjin agrees and the omega smiles hopefully.

"Okay, I hope so." The younger sighs and the beta gives him a reassuring smile.

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