Beached Whale.

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At this point in Felix's pregnancy, he's grouchy, tired, and constantly hot. He doesn't like leaving his bed or having to walk, but when he's laying down he has to get up to pee every half hour or he has a baby elbowing his ribs. He's just so uncomfortable. He feels miserable.

Another development is that, well, he can't seem to leave Hyunjin alone. Before they were official he really liked being around the beta, but now... Now he's extra clingy. They spend almost every waking moment together with Felix constantly scenting him and practically wanting to be in his skin. Hyunjin doesn't stop him, he even seems to relish in the attention.

"Wait, Jinnie. Don't leave yet~" Felix whines as he and Hyunjin were tangled up in the brunette's sheets. The man seems to be waking up for the day but the omega would like to sleep a little longer, and by extension, so should Hyunjin. It's rare for the omega to get decent sleep nowadays so any opportunity he gets to actually sleep, he takes it.

"You have to start getting ready, love. Changbin-hyung will be here soon." Hyunjin reminds the younger, who just lets out a low whine. Felix has yet another prenatal appointment today, the frequency of the appointments now only a week apart.

"If you like me, you'll stay" Felix pouts and the beta man just sighs. The omega smiles pleased when Hyunjin relaxes in the bed again and wraps his arms around Felix's waist. The brunette cuddles in close to the older, burying his face in Hyunjin's neck and scenting him.

"You're really unfair." Hyunjin complains without any real bite to his tone. Felix just hums out a reply as he continues drenching the beta in his scent.

"Jinnie-ya, you're mine~" Felix coos happily, not missing how the older's ears turn a pretty shade of pink. The beta doesn't reply but opts to instead turn his face into Felix's neck, kissing his scent gland before nosing at it gently. Lavender fills his senses and he starts to practically purr. They stay like this for a couple minutes before Hyunjin speaks again.

"You really have to get up, Yongbok-ah" Hyunjin starts to pull away and Felix frowns. "I know, love. I wish we could stay here all day too. It's my favorite place." He says and leans in to peck Felix's pink lips gently. When he pulls away, the omega sighs tiredly but allows Hyunjin to help him sit up from the bed.

He changes into something slightly more presentable but still just as comfortable, a pair of Hyunjin's navy sweatpants and a grey collegiate hoodie. He's refused to buy any of those ugly maternity clothes throughout his pregnancy, but it's come back to bite him as he can't fit any pants in his wardrobe anymore.

The beta helps him put on his socks because the omega can no longer see his feet, let alone reach them and despite him doing none of the work, he still ends up out of breath. It takes all of Felix's effort to brush his teeth and wash his face because he just wants to get back in bed. He feels heavy and slow.

Hyunjin gives him a goodbye kiss before Felix has to waddle down three flights of stairs to reach Changbin's car. As expected, when he reaches it, he's exhausted. He doesn't even feel like interacting with the alpha once he's in the car.

"Are you okay?" Changbin asks with humor laced in his tone as Felix places himself into the car with a heavy huff.

"I'm a beached whale, and it's all your fault." The omega complains, making the alpha chuckle.

"Not too much longer now though! She'll be here in the next couple of weeks" he attempts to comfort the younger, who just pouts. "By the way, are you wearing Hyunjin-ah's clothes or something?" The alpha asks and Felix tilts his head curiously

"Yeah, these are his sweats. They're like the only thing I can fit right now." The brunette responds and Changbin nods. "Why? How'd you know?" He wonders and the alpha bites his bottom lip with a shrug.

"You smell just like him, as soon as you got in the car, it was all I could smell." The alpha answers and Felix nods slowly. He can feel his ears heat up, bashful about the scenting he'd received from the beta earlier that morning.

"Yeah, makes sense." The omega responds quietly as he looks forward out at the road ahead of them. He feels a bit awkward talking about his relationship with Hyunjin. If the alpha asks, he'll tell him, but he doesn't want to bring it up and make things awkward.

A silence falls over them and Felix notices Changbin's grip on the steering wheel flexing and relaxing periodically. The older obviously has something on his mind, and Felix has a feeling he knows what it is. Though, he won't be the one to bring it up.

"So... you two are like a thing now, right?" The alpha asks a bit awkwardly and Felix fidgets with his fingers.

"Yes, we are." The omega answers honestly and his hyung nods. The alpha can't seem to hide the disappointment he feels as his lips press into a thin line and he lets out a loaded sigh. "I'm sorry" Felix apologizes even though he knows he's done nothing wrong.

"Don't apologize. It's okay, I'm happy for you. He seems like a really good guy." The alpha replies with a nod.

"He is. He's really great." Felix responds trying not to let an awkward silence fall over them again. "I didn't think that we'd end up together because of... you know, us and the baby, but he- yeah, he's just different." He explains and Changbin nods.

"That's good. As long as you're happy." The alpha smiles softly before continuing. "Am I wrong for being slightly disappointed?" He chuckles dryly and Felix purses his lips awkwardly.

"I don't know." The brunette replies quietly. "Honestly, I did want us to be a family... you know what I mean?" Felix comments thoughtfully and Changbin nods. "But we don't have to be together for us to both be her parents. When she gets older, she'll be able to go to your place all the time. She'll have two times everything." He tries to lighten the solemn mood with a lighthearted tone.

"Yeah. You're right" Changbin nods with a soft smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

They get to the doctor and Felix goes through the motions, giving an urine sample, having his vitals taken, being weighed, and a brief ultrasound. The only thing that's different about this appointment is the rectal exam at the end. The doctor checks to see if his cervix has dilated or thinned, signaling imminent labor. He's a centimeter dilated out of ten, but his cervix is only about half of the way to being thin enough for labor. Hopefully, it will continue to change but many people are stuck at a centimeter up until their water breaks, so he doesn't get his hopes up.

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