// 𝕡𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕗𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕪-𝕗𝕚𝕧𝕖 //

486 31 7

hiraeth - part forty-five


       "You mean it!? You'll let us come with you!?" Goku asked excitedly, running up to Whis's side. Both him and Vegeta started bugging Whis about it, making Whis somewhat regret his sudden proposal. Even Gohan was slightly excited about it, mainly because it meant he could finally start to see Y/n more often again.

"I suppose, if it's okay with Lord Beerus, you're welcome to join." Whis said, looking down at Beerus. Beerus huffed upon noticing all eyes on him, closing his eyes.

"As long as they don't disturb me and bring delicious food, I don't care." He said. Goku squealed with delight, while Vegeta smiled and crossed his arms. Whis hummed, glancing over at Gohan.

"Will you be joining us? You could become much stronger, I know you have immense potential." He asked. Gohan chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck.

"I-I don't know, I don't really care for fighting. Plus, I have school here I can't miss." Gohan said. He looked down at Y/n, noticing her annoyed look. He cleared his throat, sighing. "Besides, this is Y/n's own thing. I don't want to get in the way of that."

Y/n looked up at him in surprise, giving him a thankful smile. She heard Whis sigh, almost disappointed that he couldn't have more apprentices. He glanced down at Goku and Vegeta, who looked as though they were both about to explode.

"Well then, I guess it's just you two. And of course, Y/n will be joining. It'll be better for you to train with them anyway, you've learned my fighting style quite well already." Whis said, his words making Goku look back at Y/n with a wide grin.

"Ooh, Y/n, you have to fight me! You're so strong now, I wanna see your power!" Goku rushed up to her, grabbing her shoulders and shaking her violently. Y/n moaned in annoyance, glaring up at him.

"I'm not fighting you, Goku. I don't even like fighting." Y/n said. Goku pouted, his large, round eyes begging her. Y/n huffed, closing her eyes and crossing her arms. "It's not happening."

"I think you should, Y/n." Whis spoke up, making Y/n glare at him with wide eyes. Whis smirked, continuing. "It'll be good for your training. Plus, I'm interested in seeing how you fight other Saiyans."

"See, now you have to fight me! It'll be fun, come on!" Goku exclaimed, grabbing her arm and pulling her. Y/n yelped as she felt her feet leaving the ground as Goku dragged her up into the sky. Releasing her, Goku was practically shaking with excitement as he flew a few feat away from her, putting some distance between them. "You can't hold back, Y/n! I wanna see your full power!"

Y/n groaned, her shoulders drooping as she squeezed her eyes shut. She just wanted to go take a nap at this point. Her eyes widened as she felt a small rumble, looking up to see Goku powering up. Y/n stared in awe as his hair flickered, turning a deep red. Even though she'd seen glimpses of this form before, seeing him shine so brilliantly right before her was amazing. Goku immediately noticed her awe, raising a brow.

"Is it really that special? Aren't you stronger than me?" Goku asked, to which Y/n chuckled nervously, looking away.

"I-I don't know. I'm not capable of sensing God Ki." She muttered. Goku's eyes widened, surprised, before he chuckled.

"Well, don't worry. I'm sure you won't struggle." He said. He lowered himself into a stance, furrowing his brows with a smirk. Y/n sighed, mirroring his pose, the two staring each other down.

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