Part 2

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"..You think he'll be alright here? After all this, I don't want to-"

"It's perfectly alright, Mario. Now that we have Bowser captured, there is no major threat now that could harm your brother..If it will make you feel any better, though, I can have one of my guards posted outside the room to guard him."

There was a moment of heavy silence.

"...Yeah..Thanks, Princess.."


Voices were filtering in and out of Luigi's hearing for the longest time before there was finally some silence, Luigi giving a quiet, incoherent mumble as he barely moved, realizing that he was resting against something soft, probably a bed.

The next thing he noticed was the warm sunlight hitting his face, a nice change compared to the hot stones that had been against him last he remembered, his shoulders and back still aching from the cell.

He then tried to move a bit more, though his body was still sore and he knew his elbows would buckle if he tried to sit up in the bed right now, rolling so he was on his side and he could push his head up against the thin, wooden headboard. He gave a small noise in pain as he reached his unpinned hand down to clench it against his chest, feeling bandages wrapped around the particular spot the pain was most prominent. He also noticed the tightness of some wrapped around his forehead and the back of his head, whatever injury being there only adding to the throbbing of his current headache.

Dazed, confused, and having no clue where he was or if he was still trapped somewhere, he finally pushed himself up after a couple of minutes so his legs were swung off the side of his bed, finding that he was in some sort of pajamas, or comfy clothes, which was better than staying in his green button up and jean overalls while waking up in so much pain, the man giving a small noise as he cracked his eyes open more to look around the room.

The warm sunlight he had felt earlier was being filtered through a tall, glass window next to his bed, the thin curtains blocking out the light so it wasn't too bright, though he couldn't see outside because of it. On his right was a small, bedside table with a glass of water, unraveled bandages, and a small plate with a pastry on it, a chair also sat next to the bed with his old clothes having been hastily thrown onto the back of it, though they were dirty as they had on them ashes, burn marks, and..dried blood?-

Before he could even start to become anxious about the blood on his usual clothes, he reached for the water and drank down all of it at once, his throat dry and sore from being dehydrated for so long, then deciding to reach for the chair to try and stand up from the poofy bed, giving another noise of discomfort and pain as he tried to steady himself, the room feeling like it was spinning as he forced himself up on shaking and wobbly legs.

Suddenly, whatever door was in the room was opening as he flinched at the soft noise, spinning to see who was coming in to find..a short man with what looked to be a white and blue spotted mushroom top on his head, like it was a hat or even a part of him.

Oh god, Luigi was delirious.

Before he could say anything, the creature's eyes widened in shock before the poked their head out into the hallway to someone, yelling, "Summon the princess at once! He's awake!"

Not knowing what to say, and his throat still impossibly sore to the point where Luigi thought all that would come out of his attempt to talk would be croaking, he just stood there in silent shock before quickly backing away, panicked that whoever this 'princess' person was wanted to interrogate him like that one giant reptile guy..what was his name again?

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2023 ⏰

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