• Chapter II •

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Chapter Two

In the trunk of my car, Marin and I were sitting there, scrolling on our phones

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In the trunk of my car, Marin and I were sitting there, scrolling on our phones. I put my hand on her thigh as instinct, and I see Ethan send me a glare. I get a text and see it's from him.



I swear to God if
that hand goes any
higher I'm killing you

I swear it's not

I promise


I don't want to get


I feel Marin start moving around. She shows me her phone and it's an edit of myself. I decide to mess with her a little and bring my arm up. I double tap her screen and she elbows my ribs.

"Fuck, why would you do that?" She asks me. I just laugh.

"You look tired, Mare. Go to sleep. We have a good 20 minutes." I trace shapes on her arm and feel her get heavier with every shape, meaning she's deeper and deeper into her sleep.

I pull out my phone and bring it above her and take a picture. God she looks so cute right now. Just asleep on me in her comfy clothes. She looks so peaceful.

"Hey, you better ask her out or something, or I will. Then she'll still be a McGroarty." Molly slaps my leg and scolds me.

"She doesn't feel the same, Mol. I really don't want to ruin anything and have it be awkward."

"Whatever." She rolls her eyes.

I put my phone away and wrap my arms around Marin and lay my head on top of hers. I start drifting off.

Why is it that I'm always the one to figure out when two people like each other? I mean, it was obvious with Sunny and Luke, and even more obvious with Marin and Rutger

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Why is it that I'm always the one to figure out when two people like each other? I mean, it was obvious with Sunny and Luke, and even more obvious with Marin and Rutger. You can just see it. How they interact, look at each other, and how close they are.

I remember a few months ago when I called Marin because I was going to come back to the apartment after going on a trip.

flashback: 4 months ago

I'm coming back to the house after my Costa Rica trip. It was so beautiful and peaceful. I think I might call Marin and tell her that I'm back home.

I press on her contact and facetime her, because I miss her face so much. After a few rings, she picks up.

"Oh my God hi Mol! How was your trip!?" She excitedly asks be with a bright smile on her face. I can see that she's in a dress. She has her hair curled and slightly more makeup on than usual.

"It was great. Ugh. I loved it so much. Where are you going, fancy pants?" She chuckles a little and tucks her hair behind her ears.

"Me and Rutger are going to some fancy dinner place. He picked it, I'm just going along with it." She tells me, then breaks into a full on laugh at something happening on her end.

"Okay you have fun. You think you'll be home by the time I get there. I think it'll be like an hour or two." I smile, thinking about how she's so happy doing things with him.

God can they just date already.

"I'm staying at Rutger and Johnny's for the night so I'll see you in the morning. I'll have breakfast for you and then we'll do some shopping because I missed you." She stands up and goes over to her mirror, smoothing down her dress.

I lightly hear Rutger talk. I think he's trying to be discreet.

"You look great, Mare. Really." He walks behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. She's in a satin looking black dress that's longer, while he's in maroon pants with a black button up and a matching maroon jacket. I can feel a huge smile grow on my face.

flashback over

Sunny taps my leg and shows me her phone. It's a picture of Rutger and Marin in the trunk. He has his head on top of hers, hand on her thigh, and other arm holding her, while she's in between his legs with her head on his chest.

"Ethan!" I smack his arm and shake him a few times.

"God, what do you want, Molly?" He groans. I show him Sunny's phone and his eyes widen. He shakes Luke and grabs her phone to show him. He smiles excitedly and passes the phone to Luca, who whips his head around with a huge smirk on his face. He turns back around and taps on Mark's arm. Mark glances over at the phone and starts laughing.

"Fucking finally!" He yells all excited. We all shush him so that he doesn't wake them up.

"Sunny you're such an angel." Luca tells her and Luke leans over Ethan to kiss her temple. Her phone gets passed back to her and I hear some rustling in the back and a groggy voice speaks.

"How much longer until we're there?" Marin's voice comes out croaky. I look back at her and her eyes are still half closed.

"We just got here, pumpkin. Now wake up your boyfriend." Mark replies. Her eyes widen and her face goes red.

"Come on guyssss." She drags out the S. She turns to Rutger's face and sticks her tongue out. She licks his face and he jumps, looking around fast. We all break out into a fit of laughter until we hear a knock on the window. It was just Phillipe and his girlfriend Khiana, or Khi.

Word count: 927

Honestly didn't know how to end this one but I personally love it.

What do you think is going to happen at this bonfire?

I feel like Marin and Mark should have a close relationship (obviously not as close as her and Rutger, but still), especially after that adorable nickname, and him just appearing out of the bathroom in the last chapter.

Stay safe, drink enough water, and eat the foods you love! I love y'all.


I Think He Knows // Rutger McGroartyWhere stories live. Discover now