• Chapter VII •

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Chapter Seven

As I was standing in the mirror in one of Molly's dresses, I was thinking to myself

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As I was standing in the mirror in one of Molly's dresses, I was thinking to myself.

Why do I do this?

Why do I go to fancy restaurants in nice clothes with a guy that I've only known for only a year?

Why do I have a drawer in my dresser designated for his clothes?

We only got close this summer.

I need to call my mom. It's around 6 here, meaning it's around 4 there. I press on her contact and after 3 rings, she picks up.

"Hi, honey! What's going on?" She cheerfully says. I feel tears start to form in my eyes, threatening to pour out.

"Mom I think I might like Rutger. I can't tell Molly because she'd freak out and Sunny is busy with Luke and Mark's in class and Luca's with Rut right now so-"

"Baby slow down, okay? Why do you feel like you can't tell Molly?" She asks with the sweetest and most caring voice ever.

"Because I feel like she wouldn't actually support it. She jokes about us being together all the time but I feel like she's not serious." I try to breathe to calm myself down.

"What about Ethan? I'm sure he'll support you, Marin."

"No he won't. I just know it. God mom I don't know what to do anymore!"

"Try talking to him. I'm sure he'll understand."

I calm down a little when she says that to actually think about it. He's never said he wouldn't support it.

"I'll call him, Mama. Thank you so much I love you."

"I love you, too, baby. Have a good night."

"You too, mom." She hangs up.

Now I have to fight the beast until later tonight. I walk over to my vanity to clean my makeup up, and Super Rich Kids by Frank Ocean comes on.

There's a knock on my door and I race up to open it. A body crashes into mine and arms wrap around my torso and rest on the small of my back. The scent of cologne fills my nostrils. I know exactly who it is.

"God, I missed you." He says right in my ear, sending shivers down my back.

"I missed you too, Rutger." My arms wrap around his neck and my hands go to play with his outgrown hair.

"Hide the scissors, please." I didn't even realize I said that until he laughs and responds.

"I always knew you liked long hair." He kisses my forehead. We stand there for a little more. Him rubbing my back and me tugging and playing with the overgrown hair at the back of his neck.

"We should get going." He looks at his watch.

"It's 6:20." He tells me. I unravel my hands from his hair and back up, losing the warmth of his body.

I strap on my heels, grab my purse and phone, and start heading out the door with Rutger hot on my tail.

• time skip to after dinner •

As I'm laughing at a joke that Rutger made, I get a call from Ethan. I answer it.

"E, can we talk later? I'm a bit busy right now." I ask him as Rutger turns down the music.

"How much later? Mom called me and said you wanted to talk." His voice sounding caring and compassionate.

"Couple hours sound okay?" I ask him.

"Yeah, that sounds good. Where are you going?"

"I'm with Rut. Might be a little. Sorry about that."

"Take your time. No funny business, too, you hear me?" He jokes.

"I got you, E. Thanks so much I love you."

"Love you too, Mare. Go have fun." He coos.



I turn towards Rutger.

"What do you want to do now?

"Tangled?" He asks and raises his eyebrow.

"You know it!"

I sprint to my room and he follows behind. I go into my drawers and grab out sweatpants while Rutger digs through the drawer I have for him. I walk over to my closet and close the door so that we both have privacy when we change.

Once we're done, we hop on my bed and turned Tangled on. I'm playing with his hair until I hear light snores coming out of his mouth.

"God I just want to tell you how I feel." I whisper.

Babes hey

Idk why this took so long to write I've just been super busy recently ig.

I love y'all so much and I'm so sorry for the wait!

I Think He Knows // Rutger McGroartyWhere stories live. Discover now