• Chapter VI •

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Chapter Six

"Mol, we have to tell them." I tell her and wait for her reaction.

"Luca, Rutger will flip. Just like he did last time."

"Ethan hasn't flipped with him and Marin!"

"That's because they aren't dating! Our case is completely different! Rut was so pissed at you when we broke up and I don't want to put you through that again because what if we don't last again!" She raises her voice.

"Oh so you're saying that you don't have faith in us? Then why are we even together?" I retaliate.

"I didn't say that, Luc. God, I love you so much that it makes me sick." She lowers her eyes away from mine.

"I love you too so I have no idea why we're even doing this!"

Molly stands up and starts pacing. She takes a deep breath before she starts talking again.

"Look, Luca, I'm terrified of the consequences if we break up again. We're going to break up the friend group and I really don't want to do that. I think I need more time to figure this out for myself." She sighs out.

"Mol, you know I'll wait for you. Adam has you in his phone as 'Molly Fantilli' for God sakes." I chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well then I love him most." Her eyebrow raises and she smirks.

I jump up from my bed and grab her wrist, tackling her onto the soft carpeted floor. We hear a knock on the door and freeze.

"Luca let me in! Let me in! Let me in!" I hear Adam's voice yelling through the door. I jump up and sprint to the door. Right as I unlock it, he brushes past me and closes it.

"Okay what's going on with you?" I ask him as he breathes hard.

"Rutger saw Molly's contact name on my phone and he got mad so he started chasing me and I wound up here." He says without taking a breath. Molly leaves the room to buy him a water from the vending machine.

"Please tell me you two are back together." Adam looks me dead in the eyes.

"I want to but she's still thinking about it. She never thinks about herself and it kills me. She keeps saying that if we would break up again, we'd break up the friend group too." I tell him and run my hands down my face.

"Luca I believe in you guys. Everyone does."

"Rutger obviously doesn't."

"He'll come around I promise." He stands up and gives me a hug.

"Adam I'm terrified." I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight.

"You'll be fine. Molly's one of the good ones. You know that."

"I love you, bro."

"I love you too." He ruffles my hair. Molly walks back in and scoffs. My arms unlock from around Adam and I get ready to hear what she has to say.

"Tell me why the fuck a bottle of water is $2.50!" She tosses it towards Adam.

"Because it's a vending machine, Mol." I tell her.

"I hate this." She crosses her arms.

I think I needed some Molly/Luca/Adam action here.

I have no fucking clue why this took so long writers block is shit.

Anyways I love you guys so much ✿

Drink some water and eat the foods you love!!


I Think He Knows // Rutger McGroartyWhere stories live. Discover now