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AN: before i start im so surprised ppl actually liked this i thought i was going to get bullied so hard for this.

~Pavitrs POV

I feel arms around me. I turn around expecting hobie as i fell asleep with him last night.. but it wasnt.

"Gayatri?" (Idk how to spell her name.)

"Goodmorning sleepy head." She smiled at me.

"What are you doing here..?" I ask.

"Im cuddling my boyfriend.. duh."

"Mm i get that.. but im not your boyfriend." I said confused.

"You're breaking up with me?." She sits up and lets go of me, i feel cold and alone.

"We were never together..?" I sit up with her and try and hold her hand but she lets go.

"Oh so you're playing with my emotions now? Huh? Thats what this is? Fine. I see.." she slapped me square in the face.

"Jesus.!" I look at her, tearing up.

"Oh dont act like that. You stabbed me in my back." She looked down at her chest with a giant bleeding wound with a knife right through it.

"Am i dreaming..?" I ask.. soon to regret it.

"You need to wake up Pavitr. wake up. Wake up. Wake up. WAKE UP." She started screaming at me and i tried my hardest too but i couldnt.. its not working- why cant i wake up?!

I quickly sit up and turn my head to see hobie on his phone.

"Mornin." He says as im panting and sweating horribly.

"God.." i pant out.

"Are you okay..? Bad dream?" He asks with care in his voice and he massages my back and sits up putting his phone down. I catch my breathe and look down to see my hands dry, no blood or tears.

"No.. just uh.."

"Wet dream-?" He laughed.

"Shut up! Fine i had a nightmare. What about it?" I retaliate against him.

"Jeez. Just jokin. Ima head, you seem hungover as hell." He chuckles a bit and smirks at me with his dumb eyes, i watch as his smirk goes down and he tilts his head and i realize i haven't been answering him at all.

"Shit.. sorry. Distracted." I use as an excuse.

"By my beauty?" He jokes around.

"By your ugliness."

AN: again..... sorry that was a short chapter im like not tired at all i usually write when im tired or high 😭 anyways i hope u enjoyed this. I didnt, i cried 😹

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