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~Hobies POV.

I couldnt sleep last night, i hope my fans killed that forrest guy.

I lay awake next to Pavi and hold him closely as i watch the sun come up.

"H..hhob..?" He flutfers his eyelashes open.

"Pavi.." i smile and push his hair out of his face.

"My.. my head.." he groaned and held at his hair.

"Mm..- do you remember what happened last night?" I ask him.

"Y..yeah..- Hobie i know.. i know how you feel about cops.. but..-" he looks at me panicked.

"Its.. up to you. And for this.. i-.. i guess i can make an acceptation. as long as you're safe from dickwads like Forrest." I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Mmnh.. it hurts so badly." He closes his eyes.

"You can go back to sleep." I say and he fully knocks out.

I look down at Pavitrs arm and see theres an address on it.

'188 st'

"Cool." I smirk and get up, changing to my suit and swing out the window.

Once i get there i take my mask off and i knock on the door.

He answers and i look up at his red hair.

"Dude- im so sorr-" he panics as i walk past him into his house.

"I get it, you were drunk. I was too, i dont think there was a single sober lad or lass there ay?" I chuckle, looking around at his small-ish house. Bigger than ours.

"Oh thank god you understand, yknow i lobe your band so much i was planning on emailing you..-" he smiles at me.

"Awh, thanks babes. Yknow.. why dont we.., lets take this to your room hun." I smirk at him and he grabs my hand and leads the way.

I look at all of my bands poster.

"Quite a fan huh, luv?" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"Oh yeah well-" he starts.

I put a finger on his lips cutting him off and pushing him to the bed.

"Wh-what about Pavi?" He panics as i sit him down.

"Oh, he doesn't need to know about this interaction.. infact he wanted to call the cops. I told him not too.. but what i didnt tell him is i was so.. attracted to you.." i lean close to him and see as he panics.


"Awh.. c'mon.. don't be so shy, it was bound to happen, but alas he agreed with my idea because he didnt want any drama, ey? Saved your ass. Now do me a favour.." i smirk.

"A-anything.." He glances down at my lips.

"So desperate." I tease, "sigh, such a shame your a pig." I giggle.

"W-what?" He stutters out like an idiot.

"What? You dont like degrading? Awh.. shoot." I frown.

"N-no its fine- i- i really like you." He puts a hand on my face and i hold his hand.

"Why do you sound so unsure..? Dont you love me..?" I back up.

"No-no-" he panics and tries to grab my hands.

"Y'know- i barely know you and im doing everything for your ass! I- i" i start to sniffle.
"I mean- i called the whole cop calling plan off and i let you see me venerable.. what more do you want?!" I yell at him, fake crying.

"No- its not like that i swear!"

"What?! So you still like Pavitr!? God you're such a PIG!!" I scream at him.

"Stop it-! You're gunna wake my neighbours!"

"What?! You're neighbours?! You think i care?! God you're an ASSHOLE!!" I scream more like a jealous girlfriend.

"Dude stop it! You're a total freak!" He yelled back.

"A FREAK?! A FREAK?! THATS WHAT I AM TO YOU?! HUH? Get your sorry ass up." I grab him and shove him to the wall and pinned him there, i see how his chest rises up so quickly as i tower over him.

"Maybe you're the freak? Do you know who i am? Spiderman. Too bad spiderman doesnt kill.. if he did id rock your fucking shit." I say before kissing his cheek and taking out my phone calling the police.

"Wh- dude stop!" He yelled.

"Just come here. Ill explain. Its an emergency." I say into the phone.

The police came to the house and i answered the door with the guy in my hands.

"I assume you're the band member thats going crazy on the internet right now? We actually already have an investigation on you already. We saw the cameras and what happened with the two other boys. And this is the assaulter?" The cop answered and i nodded in disgust of the cops badge on his chest.

"We'll take it from here, we already have enough evidence from a young bartender and mr Miles Morales and ms Gwen Stacy, your band members."

"They called?" I ask as i watch the cop put Forrest into handcuffs.

"Mhm. Good friends you got, he could have kidnapped Pavitr Prabhakar,,. Thats the name right?" The cop asked.

"Mmhm.. shit i gotta get home to him.. here my address is cum street 69420" (I DIDNT KNOW WHAG TO SAY)

"Cool, we'll be there." The cop said and i walked away hearing Forrest scream 'hes spiderman!' Like an idiot, who would believe that.. they all know what their spiderman looks like and thats Pavitr.

~at home.

"Hobie?" Pavi sits up and looks at me in the window.

"Pavi, hi." I smile at him and sit next to him on the bed.

He didnt say anything else he just kissed me gently and i gladly kissed back.

"I luv u" he smiled at me:3

"I love u too Pavi." I hugged him tightly and soon after that he fell asleep again.

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