Chapter 71: Thursday

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Y/n POV:
Tom was weirdly excited to go to school today. He didn't groan when his alarm went off or decide to ignore his alarm. He actually got up, put on a half way decent outfit, and was eating breakfast when he usually just grabs a protein bar. I came downstairs and Nikki gave me a look as if she was asking what was up with her son. I shrugged not knowing what was going on. "Hey Tom..." I greeted sitting down next to him.

"Hey baby." He responded. "You excited for school today?"

"No... why would I be excited to go spend a day with people we've already spent 12 years with?" I questioned.

"Because. The 8th graders are coming to tour the high school today and guess who's a tour guide." Tom explained.

"Well I'm going to go with you considering the fact that you know so much about it." I replied.

"Yep. Harrison and I signed up for it." He responded happily.

"So sweetie, why is that a good thing exactly?" Nikki asked joining the conversation.

"I don't have to go to my classes all day and I'm not marked absent. It's a win win!" Tom explained.

"I guess that makes sense." I shrugged.

"You wanna do the tours too?" Tom questioned.

"Not exactly... I'm not to fond of middle schoolers." I explained.

"Gotcha. Well I already know some of them from soccer." Tom responded.

"Well you have fun with that. I'm going to get to school." I explained getting up from my seat. I kissed Tom on the top of the head before grabbing my car keys, putting on my shoes, putting on my backpack, and walking out the doors. Luckily first period was never horrible because Frankee was in my first period class. We always sat next to each other and gossiped.

"You seem like you're in a weird mood today." Frankee teased as I sat down in the desk next to her.

"Tom was just being weird this morning. He's all excited about giving the 8th graders tours of the high school." I shrugged.

"He would be one to sign up for that. Let me guess, with one of his soccer jock friends?" Frankee questioned and I nodded.

"Harrison." I said.

"Oh like Harrison the one you kissed?" Frankee asked.

"Please don't remind me." I explained putting my head down on the desk.

"Why does this Tom thing effect you anyways?" Frankee questioned.

"Because I won't get to see him all day." I responded.

"You live with the man, you guys will be fine." Frankee replied. With that the bell rang and class began. Our teacher made her way to the front of the room, going over a lesson I was failing to pay attention to instead I was drawing in my notebook. However a knock on the door did catch my attention. The teacher stopped her lesson and went over to the door.

"Oh it's our 8th graders!" She greeted. "Come in come in!"

"Why is it Tom, Harrison, and a bunch of girls?" Frankee whispered in my ear nearly reading my mind. She was right. The 8th graders piled in. There were 10 girls and then Tom and Harrison.

"I primarily teach seniors however you will be here in four years so let me show you around my room..." Our teacher began completely abandoning the lesson she was just teaching us. I ignored my surroundings and went back to drawing in my notebook.

"Whatcha drawing?" I heard a voice question from behind me. I knew it was Tom of course due to his light accent.

"Doodles." I replied.

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