TWO ~ The Attic

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No one's POV

"You almost got us caught!" Sapnap said, punching Quackity in the arm before doing the same to Tommy but it was more of a playful one to the younger boy. "We could've gotten in dip shit!"

Quackity chuckled, finding the situation funny. "That's no fun at all"

"No it's not, its way more 'fun' if we don't get caught. And what's worse if we did get caught we could've gone to the slammer as punishment!" Sapnap couldn't help but angrily glance at Quackity while Karl tried calming him down, again.

(The Slammer; it's like a prison/jail or another way of saying it)

"But we didn't get caught, and that's what you should be thinking about instead of the negative side of it~"

"Quackity kind of right..? I mean we did find another orb in the process," George chimed into the conversation, pulling out a Green colored orb that was as big as his hand. It weighted nothing, just like a feather. "This is our second one already! I'd say it was worth the risk"

Sapnap stared at the orb then at George. "George, we don't even know what that thing does. It's probably some useless decorations." He said.

"For a 'useless decoration' I'd say they did a good job guarding it and putting old booby traps just for this thing." George smirked.

"... Well maybe back then they considered decorations as a high valuable item" Sapnap said, even though he clearly knew that it was a stupid thing that he said.. He regretted saying something so stupid.

"What kind of people value this shiny thing? Do you think it's an emerald?" Tommy questioned as he poked the orb in George's hands. His eyes beaming with excitement and curiosity as he really wants to know the reason of it being guarded.

Tommy might as well think it's worth the risk of finding more if it meant it being high value or that shiny. He loved shiny things.. (Which is why he probably steals a lot)

"Maybe, but we can't just show this to anyone else- they might take it" Karl said. "And we'll probably end up getting in trouble as well for 'stealing it' "

George nodded in agreement to Karl's staying, he put the green orb back into his bag and closed it. "I'll put it in my attic with the other one, it's the only place they'll least expect to find it" He said.

"Are you sure?" Sapnap asked. He was worried that if they did find out where they hide the orbs then George would be put the one put on blame because it'll be in George's house. "Why don't we put one in one place and the other in another place?" He suggested.

George shook his head. "No, it'll be fine, we can put it in my attic." George said with a small smile. "Nothing will give wrong"

"Yeah! It's not like they'll go door to door and check people's houses" Tommy snickered.

"Don't jinx it" Quackity told Tommy.


George had finished saying his goodbyes to his friends, and immediately began walking back home.

The streets he walked on were empty and bumpy because of the rock made streets, a very quiet atmosphere other than the crickets chirping, with not a single person in sight, not even a single store open. It was past midnight and nobody would be out except them, of course.

George quietly walked through the dark, the only thing helping him see through the fog was the bright light of the lanterns  outside.

He continues to walk back home until he reached his house, he opened the door and quietly stepped inside.

His older brother was sleeping in the couch with his homework on the mini table. George went over and covered him before hurriedly ran upstairs towards his room.

He looked the door and sighed.

George opened the bag and stared at the green orb in his bag, which was shining brightly.

He hurriedly placed the bag under his bed and took off his shoes, and slipped into the comfy bed, feeling exhausted from running and nearly spending the whole night up. As he crawled under the covers, he let out a sigh of relief, feeling more relaxed.

He laid there, staring up at his ceiling, unable to sleep, his mind racing with thoughts and worries. He thought of all the things that could've happened if he had been caught. But he was safe now, and he was relieved to have made it home before it was too late.


George now was fast asleep, his head resting happily on top of his soft pillow and the rest of his body was tucked beneath his warm blankets.

And there was a small, burning candle by his side, slowly burning but imiting light into his room.

He was then suddenly awakened by a loud clattering noise coming from the attic, they were footsteps!

As the sound of loud footsteps walking around got louder. This confused and startled George, and he sat up quickly, his eyes opening with exhaustion.

He got off his bed and grabbed the bat he kept by the door. "Must be some raccoon again.. " George grumbled tiredly.

He began to slowly make his way over to the attic. Slowly but quietly pulling the ladder down and climbing up, his bat under his armpit so it wouldn't fall and so he wouldn't fall with the bat if it was in his hand.

He slowly opened the hatchet and crawled right into the basement. He got up and brushed off all the dirt and dust off his clothes.


Another noise was heard from behind George. He swiftly turned around to see that raccoon- However it wasn't one.

"Umm.. Hi?" A boy, who looked Georges age, said as he held the beautiful orb he kept in the attic.

George stood still in shock, his eyes widened as he hadn't except a boy to be in his attic!

The boy put the orb back in the box and looked at George. Both of them stared at each other for what seemed like eternity.

"Are you oka-"

George swung the bat.

Total Word Count; 1,033

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