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Turning back to watch Sauske, feeling her whole world shifting "This can't be trueeee!!!" Sakura thought "No! That's not possible oh God Noooooooo!!!!!" Sakura said, panicking, almost on the verge of collapse. "Well that wasn't the reaction I was expecting, most women would kill to have my kid now she knows he's mine she acting like I'm a criminal!!! Tsk!! Who the hell she thinks she is!!!" Sasuke thought bitterly. Sakura finally got a grip on her emotions, she glowered at him "How do you know he's yours!" Sakura asked aggravated. Sasuke glanced at her, because I had him tested" Sasuke replied unbothered. Hearing this sends Sakura into a rage. "YOU DID WHAT!!!! What right did you have to do that without my permission!!!" Sakura bellowed. Hearing the commotion down the hall Mikoto drifted towards them. "What is going on here?" She asked them to glance back and forward between them. They both stared at each other but didn't respond. "Will nobody say what exactly is going on here?" Mikoto asked again very irritated now.

"Well? Anyone? Sasuke? Will you not tell me what is happening here?" Mikoto asked again crossing her arms

Sasuke finally broke eye contact with Sakura and look at his mother, I told her about Jake being mine, and she lost it" Sasuke responded nonchalantly. Mikoto looks to Sakura "Dear what seems to be the trouble, are you upset about the result?" Mikoto asked Sakura confused.
Taking a deep breath to calm herself Sakura turned to watch Mikoto "Look, I don't know what's going on here, I do not know how this could happen, but Sasuke isn't my son's father, it can't be" Sakura said but was interrupted by Sasuke "and why is that? You wondering how was it possible? 6 years ago, I was attending a party at the Plaza Hotel, and a friend of mine told me there was a surprise for me in my hotel room when I got there, there was a young lady there when I got in the room she was all over me, ready to rip my clothes off and then..." Sasuke was cut off by Sakura "that enough! I don't want to hear no more!! So, so you knew it was me this whole time?" Sakura asked hugging herself in humiliation.

 Sasuke look at her, "Not at first, however, after I saw Jake, and I did the test It was confirmed. I am not here to hurt you Sakura, I really brought you here to present to you a proposal" Sasuke replied. "Okay listen whatever it is, it can wait! Sakura dear please follow me, how about some tea, I am sure you are tired and hungry as well, and surely missing your son, come along with me, I can have Sebastian fix you something" Mikoto told Sakura walking with her. "Sasuke you have until the morning to get things straighten out!" Mikoto Said glancing slightly over her should before continuing walking with Sakura towards the kitchen.

Sasuke watches his mother in complete disbelief. "Did his own mother just reprimand me?" Sasuke thought. "Well, that went well," Itachi said leaning against the wall "Shut it Itachi not in the mood," Sasuke told him walking past him. "Hmmm, so I am guessing you didn't get to the marriage part yet," Itachi asked following him. Sasuke stops and turns to glare at him. "What the hell Itachi! I said quit it! I am not in the mood!" Sasuke replied before storming off.

To Sakura and Mikoto in the kitchen.

"Okay dear have a seat, let me fix you some tea, whiles we talk a bit," Mikoto told her putting the kettle on the fire. Sakura sat down but was still in complete shock. "He was the one I slept with all these years ago! He's my son's father!" Sakura said, then shock turn into rage! "That son of a bitch! How could he take advantage of my vulnerability, I was a virgin for Christ shakes! How could he!" Sakura was so lost in her thought that she didn't hear Mikoto talking to her.

Touching her gently Mikoto asked her if she was alright, Sakura quickly jump to her feet in fear. "Oh my, dear, it's okay, I didn't mean to scare you," Mikoto said taking a seat, "listen dear, I know you think my son purposely did something to you, but I am sure you know deep down that is not the case, I know my son, he might be very arrogant, temperamental at times however he's a sweet boy, and very hard-working, he would never do anything to hurt anyone intentionally. And I will tell you this also, my son and that little boy have formed a bond, that is his son, you can't just take him away from his father dear." Mikoto told her holding her hand and squeezing it gently.

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