Dinner and a Meeting

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That very night Sakura had the most peculiar dream, she toss and turn in her sleep, her body getting all tangled up in the sheets, the pillows were no longer on her bed but on the floor, and her moans and groans can be heard, and Sakura quickly shot up, panting heavily. "W-what the hell was that!!" Sakura asked herself, when she look over to check the time, it was now 5:45 am, Sakura groaned and flopped herself back on the bed pulling the covers over her face and drifting back to sleep.

A few hours later, Sakura said goodbye to her now pouting son." why can't I come with you to see Daddy and Uncle Mommy?" Jake asked, saddened by the fact that he can't go with Sakura. "Jake we spoke about this, that is not—" Sakura was stopped by a teary eye boy, "sighhh, look buddy, I promise you, the next time I will let you see them okay, but for now, it's just the grown-ups," Sakura told him wiping his tears. Jake beamed at that hugging his mother happily, "okay mom, see you later" Jaked told her running back inside the house. "Jez what the hell did I get myself into," Sakura thought. "Thank you again for watching him for me Ino, I won't be back late, I should be back by say 9:30," Sakura told her checking her watch. "Oh no worries if it gets late Jake is always welcome to sleep over, Inoji will love having him to play with," Ino replied. "Okay, well, I will see you guys later then," Sakura told her getting into the car.

Back at the Lotts Hotel where Sasuke and Itachi were waiting patiently for Sakura, well more like Itachi was the one with the patience, Sasuke on the other hand was more aggravated. "Does she know what on time is?" Sasuke said vex. "Patience little brother, she will be arriving soon enough, and before she does, let me remind you of your manners, you do not want to blow this Sasuke, control your impulses" Itachi warned. Sasuke stares at him for a minute before quickly nodding in agreement.

Sakura got out of the car and headed to the hotel lobby, she glanced at her watching "shit! I am late" she murmured before dishing to the elevator. A few minutes later she stepped out to the 3-floor restaurant, walking up to the hostess in greeting "Good evening I am expected, my name is Sakura Haruno" Sakura announced. "Oh yes ma'am, right this way," the hostess told her, picking up a menu and leading her to the table.

Sasuke and Itachi both look up to see Sakura and the hostess approaching their table, Sasuke gasping, Sakura was absolutely Breathtaking. Seeing Sasuke's reaction Itachi smiled mischievously "Close your mouth Sasuke, you will catch flies," Itachi told him smirking.

Once Sakura got to their table she greeted them. "I am so sorry I am late, I lost track of time," Sakura told them. Taking a seat, Sakura felt awkward because of the stares she was getting from Sasuke.
"Uhm so you asked me to come here to talk, what was so important that you feel the need for me to cancel my flight?" Sakura asked getting right to the point

"Well, getting straight to the point I see, well I do not have a problem with that, but can we first eat, I don't know about you two but, I am famished" Itachi replied, picking up his menu to read it.

Sakura eyed him suspiciously before turning to watch Sasuke who was still staring at her. "Take a picture, it will last longer," Sakura told her with a devious smirk before she too picked up the menu to read" Sasuke picked his menu without saying a word but he was smirking. The waiter came in and take their order, Sakura ordered a chicken salad for an appetizer, well-done Steak with mashed potato and broccoli with a glass of red wine, Sasuke had, buffalo wings and for entree barbecue baby ribs with Rice and Sauteed Broccoli with a glass of scotch on the rocks, Itachi, on the other hand, didn't have an appetizer, skip to the entree Pan seared Atlantic Salmon with Creamy Mash Potato, saute Broccoli and Dill Butter and a glass of rose wine.

Taking the menu from them, the waiter let them know that it will be a few more minutes before the order comes out.

The table was silent for a minute before Itachi broke it "So Ms Haruno, tell us, what do you do?" Itachi asked her. Sakura was a little nervous about answering "Uhm well you know odd jobs here and there" She responded vaguely. "That doesn't answer the question ms Haruno, are you afraid that we will disapprove of your activities?" Sasuke asked with a smirk. Sakura glared at him "Excccccccccuse me?! And what's that supposed to mean? I will have you know I am the managing director of my company along with several side hobbies that I just so happen to get paid for it" Sakura said proudly. "Hmmm is that other hobby so happen to be a...." Sasuke was quickly cut off by Sakura's outrage. "Mr. Uchiha, what are you trying to imply? If you invite me here to question my character, then it's best that I take my leave!" Sakura said, standing to leave. Sighing deeply Itachi glared at Sasuke who had a very amused look on his face. "Are you done, little brother? Ms Haruno, please do not leave, my brother is just trying to get under your skin, and to be clear, he only does that when a person interests him" Itachi told her smirking. Sasuke glared at him. "Please let's enjoy dinner and we will talk," Itachi told her urging her to sit back down.

"Fine, but one more absurd comment from him and I walk!" Sakura said glaring at Sasuke.

After they finish the meal, Itachi got to the point, "Ms Haruno, I would like to ask you a series of personal questions and I am sorry if we will offend you, however, we must ask you, do you know who Jake's father is?" Itachi asks Sakura.

Sakura's eyes widen, w-why are you asking me about Jake's father?"Sakura asked getting nervous. "Ms. Haruno, relax, we are not here to harm you or judge you, we would just like to know," Itachi told her.

"But why? Why so much interest in my son?" Sakura pressed. "Because I believe that my knucklehead brother over here is Jake's father" Itachi replied calmly.

Sakura quickly got up, looking at both of them in shock! "What the hell are you saying? Jake doesn't have a father! I mean he's ..." Sakura trailed off remembering that night again. She quickly shook it off. "Jake is not your son! Now if you excuse me I have to leave now, it's late I have to pick up my son" Sakura told them.

She got up quickly throwing off the balance of the table and spilling the wine on her dress "Sakura calm down, it's okay, we can drop you home" Itachi tried to soothe her. "NO! I can't get home on my own! I don't need your help, in fact, your stay away from me and my son! You can't take him from me! I won't let you! You hear me stay away from us!!!" Sakura told them going into a panic. She was hyperventilating, and her vision was getting spotty "Ms Haruno you are having a panic attack, I need you to breathe, if you don't you will..... Pass-out" By the time Itachi told her this Sakura blacked out, Sasuke quickly caught her before she hit the ground. "Nice going brother, I thought you said you were going to ease her off gently, you should have just let me be direct with it," Sasuke told him, looking at an unconscious Sakura in his arms. Itachi glared at him.

"Sure and then what? for her to run out of here without any further information?, right of course why didn't I think of that!" Itachi replied sarcastically. "Come on let's take her home," Sasuke told him "Wait home as in the Mansion?" Itachi asked. "Do you have any better ideas?" Sasuke asked. "Fine but you explain everything to Mom and her in the morning" Itachi replied leaving the money for the meal on the table along with a large tip then they left. 

Note: hey guys sorry I was late with this one, and this one is a bit boring, but there is always a reason for my madness. however, I promise if you keep reading you will like it :) 

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