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I'm bored, so I'll write more chapters. ^^

Honestly, I should work on Two Days Too Early To Die. That's my other fanfiction, and I've been neglectful.

But it's fun to write about cats and yaoi too. So I'll do this for a while.


Kris's POV

Fade opened the door to Neko Shelter, and inside was a crowd of-- what a surprise --nekos. Some looked beaten, others looked a little frightened. A select few were comforting the others, looking brave.

When I looked behind me, Fade was gone. The door was shut and locked. I hadn't heard him leave.

I walked timidly to the center of the room and tried to talk to one of the refugees. He wouldn't answer me, though. His olive green tail flicked back and forth as he stared into the darkness. His green ears were flat to his head, and his eyes and hair were a mottled dark brown. The man didn't even to realize I was there.

A little uneasy, I looked around the room. There was nobody I recognized, save for a familiar figure facing the wall in the corner. They had dark brown hair, and their hazel ears and tail twitched lightly.

I approached them and tapped them on the shoulder. The person I now recognized as a boy turned towards me, dark brown eyes sparkling.

I gasped and hugged him. It was my longtime friend Sebastian!

He hugged me back, meowing with happiness. "I missed you," he murmured.

At 5 foot 1, the short shota boy had been prey to older, stronger people even before he was a neko. I had hoped that he hadn't become one, but my fears had sadly been realized.

He let go of me, smiling happily. I had always joked that he looked like a mini Italy (the Hetalia one), and he really did. I smiled back. It was good to see someone I knew.

"How's my little Phantomhive butler doing? Still worth your salt?" I asked. He laughed.

"Sure I am," he said. "And you?"

I merely patted his head in response. He understood.

But our elation was short-lived. I noticed, out of the corner of my eye, that the green-colored neko was staring at us. His brown eyes seemed hollow, and his grim expression was unsettling.

"That's Mega," Sebastian said quietly. "He's...odd. I think he's going a little crazy. I heard that before he came here, he couldn't sleep for two days straight fighting off poachers. I don't think he's going to sleep anytime soon...And he gets different at night. Scarier, maybe..." He trailed off, turning his head back towards the wall.

I frowned and turned back towards my friend. It was better than being caught in Mega's searing gaze.

We sat in silence as the day ticked on.


Sebastian's POV

I was really happy to see Kris. He was one of my only friends, and I didn't think ever I'd see anyone I knew again.

We should have been chattering on...But Mega's endless scrutiny made it hard to think about anything else.

I turned towards Kris. We were sitting on the floor, leaning on the wall.

"Should we go talk to him?" I asked, trying to be cheerful with the unease seeping into both of us.

Kris shook his head lightly. "No...There's no need to."

So the day uncomfortably slipped away, and through the window I watched night fall...


Sebastian's POV (a few hours later)

The moon was high in the sky, crescent points sharp as razors. I shuddered.

Looking down, I saw Kris sleeping peacefully next to my foot, curled up. I smiled a little.

Hearing a noise, I swiveled around and put my back to the window I had been staring into. My panic wasn't totally unfounded, though.

Mega was slowly, quietly, on all fours, slinking towards us.

I shuddered again. My brain tried to convince me that this wasn't bad, that he could just be trying to find a new place to sleep.

But as he drew closer and closer, I could see the moonlight rippling on his clothes and skin. I hadn't noticed it before, but he was heavily muscled.

His green ears and tail were twitching, almost excitedly. He smiled, revealing sharp teeth.

I noticed the wicked gleam in his eyes.

Suddenly he pounced...on Kris.


So every time I write this story, I wanna attach cat-related pictures and songs to chapters.

Someone please teach me how >___<

I'm sorry that this chapter is short, but I'm trying to get as many out as I can before my motivation disappears and I leave WP for another one-month stretch...

Anyways, thank you for reading this! Next chapter will likely be smut. Yay.

Remember, if you want to be in the story too, comment or message me--I'll always want a few more nekos!

Bye-nee! :3

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