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"Why don't we just destroy this world?"

"What?" Sigrun stared at Alcestic in confusion, his red eyes penetrating through the green pupils. Alcestic stared back at him, his voice steady as if they were just discussing the weather.

"I want to destroy this world." 

Destroy the world? How in the hell were they going to do that when...they couldn't even kill a single saint?

"Kai doesn't belong here, when he dies his soul travels to another plain...one that is different from our world. But every single time, he is pulled back by an anonymous force...and our world resets." Another voice piped in, golden pair of eyes shining under the lights. "His only wish is to return home, and it isn't here. He forgets his memories every time the world resets...or in other words, every time he dies." There was a tinge of pain in his voice as he said those last words, Esmond glanced up at the two black shadows in his room; dots of red and green being the only indicator of their facial features.

"And although we also have a moment of amnesia, this should only be temporary. With the seals I cast on all our souls, it should retain the memories of previous lives and then break at some uncertain unpredictable times." Esmond heaved a sigh. "Unfortunately, mine was the last to be broken--"

"Which resulted in Kai leaving you in the dust and running into my arms!" The black shadow with two green dots interjected, the obvious joy in his voice evident...as well as mockery. Esmond held the edge of the table tightly, suppressing his anger.

"We should deal with the current problem at hand...I and Sigrun are both on the borders of Tadhg and Nympha; the King should be focused on trying to maintain peace on the lines right now so the eastern borders should be left less undefended." As Esmond moved the little board pieces on the table, that had a map of the 4 continents sprawled on top of it, he looked up at the green eyes shadow again, arms crossed. "You've already infiltrated Ponama's continent...in the next 3-9 days, you should make your move and lead some troops to make an attack. We'll take over the territory here as well as a portion of Nympha, after that Sigrun will lead another attack to push the opponent further back."

"Soon, we'll have full control over Nympha."

The two shadows plus Esmond soaked in a brief moment of silence, before it was interrupted by a familiar voice.


The green shadow moved as if turning around. "Kai! I didn't expect you to visit so soon! Is there something wrong?"

Kai looked around the other's room, it was furnished very meticulously and gave off a very warm and welcoming vibe. He glanced at the table that was projected with a holographic map.

Although he was curious, Kai had no motivation to pry into the other's business. He handed over a flyer to the other man.

"It's a new job request...I, I plan to take it but I want to do it alone. I'm very thankful for your help and escorting me on my first few missions, but I've already been a member of the adventure guild for a few weeks now and I feel like I can start taking missions on my own." He glanced at the table with the map and two communication cards, "Sorry for disturbing you, I didn't know you'd be in a meeting. I'll be going now."

Kai left swiftly, taking back the flyer and leaving the stunned man to continue processing the information.

"It sounds like he's already gotten tired of your meddling, Alcestic." The card with a blue-haired avatar piped up. A shadow overtaking and forming the figure of a teenager.

"Did you see what kind of job request he took? You were in charge of watching over him, Alcestic. You better not let him on any kind of dangerous mission...else your head will be the next thing I chop off."

"Shut up! ...I know what to do...I'm going to have to stalk him."

"Don't even think about it you pervert. If Kai says he can do it then he can do it. Besides, you have something else on your plate...you shouldn't forget it, right?" Esmond spoke through the black gas, the two amber lights blinking dangerously at Alcestic's figure that was creeping towards the door.

"Tch. So annoying...why can't I stalk him? He won't be disturbed as long as he doesn't know..."

"That's enough out of you, Alcestic." Sigrun snarled.




"Full control of Nympha, huh?" Kai mumbled to himself, his dark eyes glazing over the requested paper with a dullness. "I knew it...something is wrong with the plot."

"Those voices I heard...I know them." 

But how? How could this have happened? Why were things different from the plot...what happened to the heroine? The Saintess.

It seems those rumors circulating around really aren't just baseless rumors...but hold a bit of weight to them.

While thinking to himself, Kai's hand unconsciously crumbled the piece of paper.

What should I do now? Should I just run away? No, I have a feeling of a deja vu...as if I thought of this before. Running away? That won't work at all.

Kai walked to the guild, his head full of thoughts.

Whatever those three are planning...I hope they leave me out of it.

I'm tired...I'm tired of it all, all I want is for them to leave me alone. How many times do I have to die for them to finally understand...

"Huh?" Kai stopped abruptly in his steps. His expression bewildered, he looked around in confusion. "Why did I suddenly think of this...This is so confusing, I've only died once." He lowered his voice.

"Maybe I'm finally starting to lose myself."

"Hm? Oh, Kai! Did you tell Alcestic of your plans? So how about it, are you finally ready to take a mission on by yourself?" A tall and round lady stood behind a counter, looking down slightly at the black haired teen.

Kai nodded, throwing those messy thoughts aside. "Hm, I'm ready. You can inform the client of the acceptance. I should be there in about 2-3 days."

Author's corner:


This is the good news I wanted to share with yall, I hope you're happy for me! tbh i would've completely forgotten about that cursed exams if it weren't for my classmates reminding me of it...


Anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Sorry for not updating a lot. oh, I forgot to make some art for this chapter...oops.

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