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"Please believe me when I say this. Your fate has been decided from the moment your soul entered this world, and fate is something no one can interfere with, no matter how many times they try." The young maiden sighed, clasping her hands together in front of her chest.

"Izellie Porcel."

Kai trembled.

How long has it been? That name... How long has it been since he's heard it? 

The world seemed as if it had gone completely silent, there was a faint ache in his head and Kai stumbled back, grasping his head while looking at the smiling maiden in shock.

"H...How..." Kai struggled to speak up. Beads of sweat formed on his temples and fell down his chin.

The sunlight pierced through the glass-paned windows, shining down against her figure and illuminating the white. For a flash of a second, Kai almost thought he saw the figure of a man clad in white staring down at him with a smile.

Unknown to Kai, the maiden's eye turned gold at some point. As she spoke to him, her voice seemed to have become deeper, not masculine, but it gave Kai a feeling of being seduced.

"They have figured out a way for all 3 of them to regain their memories whenever they want, yet you, every time...fail to regain the memories of the previous failures." Through blurry eyes, Kai looked at the saintess who looked down at him with unsmiling eyes. "Don't you ever wonder, Kai? Aren't you curious as to why this name is so familiar to you? Why you can't seem to remember anything about your previous life?"

Kai felt a soft and warm hand touch his face; the sensation clashed with the cold sweat on his back and somehow gradually brought warmth to him. He took a deep breath and the tears that hung in his lashes dropped, but before they could fall to the ground a delicate hand appeared and caught the teardrop. It splashed against the palm and scattered broken droplets against her hand.

"Three times. For three lifetimes you have stayed in this world, for three lifetimes the souls of this world have been unable to return to the cycle of life; this has caused a great disturbance for our reincarnation cycle." The maiden smiled with golden eyes. Kai stared at her and sensed that the young girl he saw from before wasn't the same person who was standing before him now. With a shaky breath, Kai asked.

"...Who are you?"

The young maiden stared at him for a second before saying, "There's a system to everything, Izel. A structure, plan, and order to keep everything in place. And this world was forcefully taken out of this order, which has been causing me some distress." The maiden took a step forward, but when she did there was a soft crack in the air and Izel stared at her in shock. The face looked a bit paler and beads of sweat were visible on her forehead. "From the beginning and until the end, I was in control of this order. I started it, created souls, created vessels for them to exist in, created a world for them to coexist; the universe for them to explore, and the infinite space for them to tremble from. I have many names, many believers and non-believers, but this does not matter to me, because in the end--, I am a god."

Kai seethed in a breath, staring at those golden pools in a daze. Suddenly, he saw those pale lips parting, a familiar red dripping down to her chin. She didn't seem to have noticed as she continued talking.

"But of course, nothing is omnipotent. Once I create something, I can't interfere with it any further. Although... there are some loopholes." Kai felt his face suddenly being grabbed, wrapped around those hands that were warm previously but now as cold as stone. "By devoting herself to me, I can use her body as I see fit. I've put a fraction of my stream of consciousness in this body, but as you can see...humans are far too fragile for me to sustain my presence."

A mouthful of blood spurted from her mouth, completely covering the lower half of her face and staining the pure white dress with an eye-straining red. Along with the morbid sight, the sounds of bones breaking echoed throughout the empty cathedral, turning and twisting his stomach into knots.

"Although I failed to prevent this incident twice already, I'm here now to give you the truth, and only the truth." She took her trembling hands, devoid of any blood to his forehead and Kai felt his consciousness go blank. However, before his vision completely turned black, he heard the strange being say.

"This human girl can't last any longer, so I hope you made the right decision... Izel."

Author's corner:

It is Halloween at the time of this chapter's publication. I hope you guys like this chapter and thank you for all your amusing comments. I read every single one. Every. Single. One.

They've made me feel very warm in today's recent cold weather and I enjoy hearing how many of you like this story. It brings me a lot and makes me realize how much potential this book can have, so it gives me the drive to not drop it.

Thank you so much for supporting this story and this stupid author, I am very grateful to every single one of you. <3 Happy Halloween!!!!!

I did a quick doodle of Kai for you all!

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I did a quick doodle of Kai for you all!

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